I guess I thought going back to school was going to make me feel better. I thought it’d make my depression and anxiety go away and I’d be instantly better..but it didn’t. I’m still depressed and miserable, I still feel useless. I just want to be gone. The things that made me happy don’t even make me happy anymore. They’re just nice distractions, because when I really think about it, I’m not happy. I literally have no one. I just feel like a burden to my family. I know, there’s people on here that’s problems are far more worse than my own, and even now I feel like I’m just being a huge pain in the ass that just needs to suck it up and stop acting like a little *****. I just…I don’t understand how I can be replaced so easily. How people can just throw me away and forget about me like I’m nothing. I think that’s why I keep to myself now, because I’m too scared to let others in just to have them leave. I know I’m still young, and hey maybe my life will get better, but right now I feel like everything’s getting worst and worst, and it’s just one bad thing after another. How do I stop feeling this way?
Being alone sucks, feel free to send me a message, happy to chat
Thank you very much. <3 Same for you!