Not sure why, but I just dont want to be alive anymore. I get depressed like this so much, and I just want it to stop. I have thought about suicide way too many times and its just ridiculous to me that I would let myself get this way…. I just dont see anything good in my future. I wish I had to power to give my life to someone else who really does want it, because I dont. Have you ever kinda hoped someone would mug you? nah? I have. I’ve been waiting for quite some time for something to happen to me, where I am just at the wrong place and the wrong time……… I want to die but I dont want to kill myself. I need help.
i know exactly how you feel to a “T”
i know how you feel…sadly getting mugged won’t happen to me for awhile…
This may be forward but i feel the exact same way your suicidal thoughts sound like adult suicide vs. adolescent suicide, everyone around me doesnt get it or care. really need someone to talk to. Im so close to death tonight. text or call me? 414 837 7364