An Indiana toddler named Angel initially survived a devastating tornado that killed the rest of her family last week. But the 14-month-old was taken off life support Sunday and died. So go right ahead, pull the trigger – No problem.
That hardly “qualifies” as “proof” … but if there i, in fact a God … he is a heartless bastard who enjoys watching his most innocent and helpless creations (people) suffer
skeptic dawg
Hey ctb driver….i agree…but only one side…understand?…if he killed you?…wouldn’t that be merciful?…i dunno…the duality of nature in this dimension I suppose….
Was just thinking about e-mailing you…now you’re off the hook….just wondering how you are is all…and wondering if you will be around for the weekend? Hope your okay.
@Ama – Hey kiddo 😉 I sent you an email
constant dawg
The thing is, people who believe in God can always come up with an explanation to justify everything and anything that happens.
Furthermore, no matter how much non-believers find those explanations to be unconvincing and unacceptable, it’s simply impossible to prove them wrong.
This is the ‘trump card’ that believers have at their disposal, and which they have always relied upon to justify their continued faith.
An argument could probably be made which says that the child’s injuries were so severe that, had she lived, she would have been uncomfortable and perhaps suffered for the rest of her life. Some would suggest that, due to the terrible injuries, death was a compassionate option. This opinion could be stated in a spiritual or secular sense.
Hmm……some of the things that happen here on earth are beyond belief tragic, disgusting, depressing, every thing you can think of. If there was indeed a mericful and loving god, I do believe things of this sort wouldn’t happen. Christians would say “Earth is the Devil’s land, and he controls most of what happens here, it isn’t God that’s ruining everything”. That statement simply means that God has no say in anything that happens in the lives of his children, which makes him less powerful than the bible makes him out to be. But Christians of course, see God as almighty, incredibly powerful, and so forth. Christians believe God is with us spiritually. So, in the Christian view-point, it is always the Devil’s doing when rape, murder, or any other un-godly crime happens. It doesn’t prove that there isn’t a god, but other things surely can. I hope that little girl’s family will someday find happiness and peace. R.I.P Angel.
Proof of god in several religions would be against the actual tenets of them.
The followers are supposed to have faith which is belief without concrete proof.
Which is why i am not religious because the god in question would have to do something that can be scientifically measured for me to give it credence.
And even though there are things science cannot explain, given enough time those things will become clear as well.
If any gods exist they are either apathetic, sadistic, or malevolent.
Although I disagree with you, U.N. Owen, regarding the existence of God…. I understood your statement which essentially said you wanted something tangible (scientifically measured). I can understand one’s hesitation to believe in something you can’t photograph, touch, etc. But your last sentence confused me. If there are god-like entities, you hypothesized they are apathetic, sadistic, or malevolent.
If I don’t believe in something that’s not tangible, I wouldn’t be able to state an opinion about it (good, bad, or indifferent) because, in my eyes, it doesn’t exist. So I’m wondering how you came up with those three descriptors.
This is intended as a respectful question… I’ve read some of your posts and always find them to be a good read. The comment I’m replying to is no exception to that.
@distant.road; Google “atrocities in the bible”. That God sanctions rape, incest, genocide, murder, famines, plagues, floods, etc. If God is real then he is by far the greatest killer who has ever lived (as evidenced in the Bible).
@Shaolin, I did once read those atrocities, and they’re pretty sick. At first I didn’t think they were all that true, because maybe their is some stupid fuck who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but I think I’ll give them a look over once more…