So I’m new here, I am sixteen and found this site a couple of days ago. I’m glad that I finally have somewhere I can go to be with others that feel the way I do. I don’t feel so crazy anymore that suicide is serious because not everyone treats it serious. I have tried committing suicide three times, but everytime I felt nothing afterwards other than frustration that it did not work. I felt no guilt or misery for those around me. I felt nothing. I just want my pain to be over and the emptiness I feel to go away. People say that suicide is a selfish thing, but is it really selfish when you are the one suffering and nobody can help you cause they don’t take you seriously? Am I selfish that I tried committing suicide and want to again and feel no guilt about it?
everybody is inherently selfish .. every freaking body, some less than others .. not many are willing to openly admit it .. it’s your life, your pain, your limits, your decision
what some ignorant, judgemental, empathy-lacking people decide to label it doesn’t truly matter
ps: I’m not advocating suicide .. all I’m saying is other people thoughts, pov of suicide doesn’t truly matter