Hello im elena. Im 17 years of age and i am suicidal. There is not one day that goes by that i don’t think of suicide. I am going through severe depression. I feel like everyone in the world is fake to me i hate myself, i really do. I look at myself in the mirror and think to myself i am so ugly,fat,useless,worthless. No boy really likes me for me? They just wan’t me for other things not to really love me. I cry myself to sleep everyday because of how much i really hate what i have become. Why is that i feel sad and depressed for no reason at all sometimes? I just feel useless and ugly, i really need someone to tell me that i am beautiful everyday. No one really understands me though. They think i am this happy cheerful person, but they don’t know the other side to me. I put on an act when i am around others because i don’t want them to think i am weak. I’m seriously tired of this life i live. I hate it i really do! I just need help i guess…I just wish i can be that happy person i used to be before. Im a dissapointment uhh, why me tell me!? Nobody loves me they just act like they do so they wont hurt me. Like right now i am thinking of commiting suicide. Trust me i am not doing this for attention i really do feel like this. Last night i took pills hoping i would die. But all i did was throw up. I cut myself a lot i have many scars. Everytime i look at them i think of all the shit i’ve been through and makes me hate life even more. Sorry for this long message but this is my story, i just need people to show me im loved and cared for instead of always putting me down saying im no good.
Hi Elena… I remember my teenage years… They were pretty intense at times and I often felt the same as you. You’re not a disappointment… There will be challenging moments. No doubt. You have so many years ahead of you and things are just beginning. It really doesn’t matter what anyone says… YOU are the most important piece of your life. If somebody says you can’t do something, prove them wrong and do it! Never ever give up on yourself.
Hey newbie!People on here call me life.You want someone to tell you that your beautiful everyday.Ill tell you what,everytime you post Ima say “hey stay beautiful;)”haha I’m such a dork.I know what you mean,a lot of times I feel depressed for no apparent reason!I feel useless,I feel fat even tho I’m a toothpick haha,I feel like no qirl wants to be with me,I feel like I’m a waste of air.I wanna qive my air to someone usefull like uuummm like some artist named Lowkey!I want you to know that I care!You’ll be seeinq a lot of me on this site mainly cause I’m a looser like that haha,
One more thinq,stay beautiful;)
You should meet teenqirl cause y’all both have the number 17 In yalls name and both of y’all are 17 haha.
hey i really want to talk to you, this is the last time im giving out my email on here, no one responds anyway, WE HAVE A LOT IN COMMON, if you want to talk to a 25 yr old girl who has been through a lot of what you are going through, please email me, it can get better- i think lol, everything you wrote resonates with me, i know how you feel, and it is pretty rare to see ppl who have the experience to describe how you feel to a t. and you are beautifull, just reaching out to this site takes guts, grow from that, you are intellegent and no one can take that from you!! heidi_lynn_wilson@yahoo.com please get ahold of me:)