I’ve never of have known someone that likes me, has had a crush on me, or who has loved me. All of my freinds have had girl/boy freinds, why can’t I. It’s not like I haven’t tried. I just get rejected every time. There is a girl that I love though and since I’m suicidal, she is in luck. I would die, go to hell, and burn for all eternity if I had to to protect her. If she went to hell and I went to heaven, I would not hesitate to switch places. I have told her that I like her, she hasen’t spoken to me since. I will admit that I am not the most hansom guy in the world and I have done some thing I wish I hadn’t, but when it comes to protecting the woman I love, I go as far as I can.
It sound to me life you found someone to LIVE for. You have found a love so rare that very few people even experience… ever. You’re one of the lucky ones. Never give your life up because you deserve someone who lives to love you.
I am doing a project called “You Don’t Know Me” and I would love your input on it if you have the time to email me at runsintherain@gmail.com If it ever seems like no one has ever loved you, think of me, I don’t even know you, but I love the fact that you have story to tell. A story that could save lives.
You need to understand that the first person that you need to love is yourself! You should be so grateful that you have a family that love you! You will find a girlfriend and you will meet someone who loves you for who you are and you will forget about that girl who doesn’t. Its not the end of the world if a girl you have a crush on doesn’t have a crush on you! Thats life! thats how you grow stronger, we all take knocks in our lives when we are growing up and thiese are the things in life that make a stronger, better and more amazing person! Take time to acquire your interests, put your love and effort into your family and activities. People will then look at you and realise how much of a great person you are FOR WHO YOU ARE! Believe me when I say that the great girls that you will come across in your life are not the ones who will like you for what you look like, but they will like you for your personality, your sense of humour, your activities, your hobbies, your intelligence! Don’t waste your time on trying to peruse someone who doesn’t have the mental capacity to see these things! Furthermore, and the most important thing, you have been given a life by your family who love you! Out of everything in the world, and when you grow and realise this you will appreciate your families love for you, you are so lucky to have them. Some people don’t have a family who loves them, you do! Imagine what it would do to your family if you did anything stupid! Just sit down and think about the life long heart ache that you would cause! you would inflict this onto the people that love you most! Trust me, its not worth it! i have been directly affected by suicide, only if you walk in the shoes of the bereaved family and friends would you understand that a life has been given to you to live. LIVE IT! enjoy it. turn it around , get professional help!
You seem to be a passionate, wonderful guy. I really think you will meet a girl who loves you for you, and you will deserve it. But like the others said, you’ve gotta love yourself and your family first. I come from the same place. I have a great family but that’s not enough for me and it’s killing me. But you’re stronger and I believe you can make it through if you find something to focus on.
I wish I had someone like you in my life. Just be honest and tell her how you feel. If she knows you feel that intensely for her, she will love you back. If she doesn’t, she’s an idiot and at least you know and you can move on. I loved a man once, I told him. he started dating some other girl and I learned from it. It was better that I tried and lost than never tried at all.
I wrote a post for you last night called the Mentor;
Read it and let me know what you think.