I will continue facing life with pain, heartbreaks and of course the pressure of society. Im falling apart but i would rather feel pain then dealth because I have the power to decide. Imiss the smiles and kisses you gave me but I face the prints on my neck and face just to know at the end you love me.
Why not face life with unconditional love in yourself, for yourself? No matter what. Positive post though. Cheers!
I cant love myself because im unhappy with my self and been through hell so I gave up on my self a while ago.. :/
It’s just a choice. Doesn’t involve a thought or a reason. You just choose to. Why not. You can’t get it wrong either. Up to you of course.
Good advice 🙂 but still icould mess up somethin with one thoughT..
ah that post is sad..i fuck love..it gets overrated
Yea it is over rated .but sometimes you just close your eyes at the worst parts and deal with the rest. But hope the best
for me when it comes to love all parts are bad..so i might as well be blind.
Just gotta wait for love to.find you. you Got a life time to.find that special somebody
Does everyone get someone? How long are you to wait eh?
@myimmortal: well i have..every one of my guy friends but they say im to ugly to be there gf.
your not ugly I.garantee that because everybody is beautiful.in their own way and your ” friends “.are just being Ignorant.and maybebtheir the ugly ones not you.
@fakingit: Wha?? First off, they’re wrong. Second, they’re friends??
ah thanx and ya they are friends…..i know im fucked up.
I don’t think you’re fucked up, I just don’t know why you have “friends” who say you’re ugly…
And I agree idont know why you have ” friends ” like that , their not true friends becauuse they wont say stuff like that to you
well cuz my friends arent my friends i have no friends i guess i just follow a group of people who look nice. iv been told im the person everyone secretly hates.
People probably hate you because they jelous or just dont have nothing better to do.but make others a living hell.
nope everyone thhat hates me isnt always fucking single! that is nothing to be jealous of..im actually bulled for being 14 and have never had a bf…….
Having a boyfriend aint everything you still young 14 you should be thinking of school and having fun with real friends not back stabers and I use to be bully when I was lil cuz I was fat but I realize they bully you if you show it bothers you. Dont let people like that get to you they just tryna fit in and make themselfs feel better by hurtin somebody else.
ya thinking of school is hard to i dont let things go so im always thinking of all the shit that life brings me. hmm the last part i deny i just blame myself for all the hatred i get..and sometimes deserve.
Dont blame yourself for nothing expecialy for peoples actions im in high school and people dont like me just because the way I.look or the way I act its call judgin people hate others for no reason soo dont blame your self okay ? & iknow how it feels to think you deserve all of this but you dont
oh great i start high school in the fall yay thats ganna be soooo much fun..ahh i love sarcasm. its hard not to just blame me when im just so weak to fight back.
When you get to h.s go in as a new person and violence isnt everytjing I grew up violent and I fight for everything which aint good silence is the loudest reply unless you have to.defend your self.
ya i plan on doing that but my stupid self when i was younger has followed me and im bullied for being myself then in 4th grade i took it up another level wrote a note to my crush saying i wanna have sex with him..ya that followed me too.
Yea but thats cute 🙂 but those are lil things when you get older like 17 it wont matter anymore trust me
cute? how the hell is it cute? and in 2 and a half years il find out if ur right..maybe it wont matter…damn i hope it wont.
@fakingit: High school can be diffferent, and even better. So can college. Things are always changing, and you will definitely not always be around the same ( stupid ) people.
…I’m 18, almost 19, and never had anyone. So tell me when you get where I am instead of 14, heh.
ha 3and a half years ya il tell u and people are different i bet il still be the same dealing with the same shit everyday. but eh what do i know..im failing school..i dont know anything.
What can I say? School can be a royal *****. But you aren’t in school you’re whole life. Sometimes it isn’t all that bad. The people change( as in new different people ) all the time. It’s all about toughing out the current situation and going towards the next. I doubt, and hope, that you won’t be dealing with the same shit…but if you do, well there’s always after high school. I do urge you try not to fail out, I doubt it’s that you don’t know anything. I bet it’s more you don’t feel like doing it, right? Don’t let those people control the rest of your life for you…
your whole life*
ya well sorta im failing cuz im to tied up in all the fucking drama that i dont do anything in school
Mhm, it’s difficult to do school work when you’re dealing with drama and other bull all the while feeling horrible… but I hope you can still get by or that SP or something/one can get you through the drama and such…
thanx..ya today i ditched my last class attempting to stand up to these girls who always insult me…i wouldve been better off in class not paying attention cuz they just made me look like a dork for even trying.
Gotta stop focusing on what people think you.gotta focuse on how you think of yourself because.if not you gunna be depress alot.and just hurt :/ iknow its hard believe me iknow but its worth trying
ah ya i would try but it is..it is just sooooooooooooo hard.
Yea iknow.im working on it my self .