nowhere on the paper for my commitmanet does it say i need to be social and get into the community,i have the list, of every rule i have to follow, why dont them controlling fucks just put down every rule possible so the list becomes longer then both my arms put together,its such a lie, if you follow these rules youll get off, how can i wen they come up with a new one every time?fuck them,if my body is to stubern to keel over and die then im gonna live,and im gonna do whatever the fuck i want,sick of people,i would try to get hit by the city bus, but i would be embarrassed because i rely on the city bus, and these staff say(we cant drive you places because thats not independent)well either way someone is gonna be fucking driving me,so how is either independent,its either you or the bus driver driving me, and relying on something makes me not as independent, atleast what they say,but they dont know what they are saying , they cant handle being out smarted.i dont know if im even smart, i think they are just more stupid then me,but i am a deep thinker, so i can think alot more then those assholes,i thought i would have my own privicy in my apartment, but they ask me everything, and i mean fucking everything,think of a questiong, i dought they havent asked me it,i feel like i should just be a show case in a zoo, because themanimals dont get privicy either.
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