So today was my birthday. I wanted one and only thing to be left alone. Did I get it no. instead I had family come n wish me the best. I know they care but its like everytime I smile its fake. I hate giving out fake smiles but what do I do? Tell them how I feel. Depressed. If I do then I get endless questions. Maybe today wasn’t one of the best days. Idunno. I guess I’ll just try to keep going even though sometimes…those thoughts come back.
Happy Birthday! I think your family might have had good intentions by wishing you a happy birthday and coming to see you. They might have a hard time expressing themselves emotionally but the thought of you was in their mind.
Is my birthday today too the big 4 0
Jules x
a ‘birthday’ is just a day … an excuse for others to celebrate anything that doesn’t remind them of their own pathetic condition … and to be honest, those that wish us happy birthday may genuinely be thankful we’re in their lives … or they are just doing the socially expected ritual – which is fine too, if not hollow and meaningless to us, it may help their condition if only for a short while.
age is just a number …again, society has put stigmas on the number … bu yesterday you were 39, today you’re forty (been there done that) … people often ask, “how does it feel?” … … society seems to expect some profound change and revelation … but in fact … nothing has changed but the date on the calendar … we still get up and go through our routine … if anything the day becomes depressing because we see our birthday as our “annual review” and our age to compare how our lives “rate” compared to others – but it’s a false choice – it compares apples to oranges and therefore a futile exercise.
It’s just a day … like tomorrow and next tuesday … more of the same … but only we can choose how we view our days … any day we want can be a happy celebration of whatever if we choose. In the face of all our adversity, we can CHOOSE to NOT let the negative be the major focus of our time … for instance – I have TOTALLY dismissed the pending foreclosure of my house … nothing I can do about it (short of winning the lottery), so worrying is a total waste of time and energy. i don’t let that fact drag me down on a daily basis.
all that said … smiles … genuine or not, … are free and painless. I give them out regularly – especially to people who are sleep walking through their day … they don’t expect it and it tends to give them a brief moment of humanity … for a brief moment I see the fog around them clear and they “see” … and it genuinely brightens their day. who knows … it could have been one of the people here on SP who has been walking through their day thinking “i’m invisible – the world doesn’t see me – it doesn’t care” … and then some anonymous person looks INto their eyes, SEEs them and SMILES … and they say “Wow … I’m NOT invisible … maybe I’ll stay for a while longer”
Smiles also mask my pain to others … I already KNOW they don’t care … so why inflict their life with it … they have enough problems … if they can say “Hey … if that poor wretch can smile, maybe my life isn’t so bad after all” … then my soul (if you believe in such things – i don’t really) gains a gold star for the day.
Everyone wrestles with demons … even those close to us … and they hide it best … so although a smile may do nothing for you at that moment, maybe it will be just what they needed … even if it is YOUR birthday.
Happy birthday jules
smiley dawg
my family seems to live and die by birthdays.
they are like little children and if you do not wish them a ‘happy birthday’ they will sulk.
and most people I know like it so one gets used to saying the greeting even though it may not mean much to you.
after age 25 all birthdays did was remind me of how OLD I am getting and that in my book is nothing to celebrate.
unless of course nanotechnology was perfected and I could have kept my age 25 youth for the rest of my life.
never saw the point of any celebratory days but you fake it to not hurt others… just a part of living.
Getting older used to bother me when I’d think I was “running out of time” until I came to the realization that “time” is a control mechanism to force us to do stuff when others want it done. anymore ‘time’ is of little value to me … same with “age’.
I use to appreciate when people actually found remembering my birthday something they actually expended energy to do … but now that “there’s an app for that” it’s mostly disingenuous.
I find it kind of creepy when others make a big deal out of MY birthday … but since I’m a nice guy, I won’t piss on their parade … just like I try not to debate people who believe in god/bible/heaven/hell … if they believe it and it makes them feel good … then that’s their choice, good for them – just don’t try and ram it down my throat because more often than not I know and studied it more than they did
app dawg
neutral birthday
@truthbetold haha!