sooo during the field trip on Thursday I realized Lois-one of my very best friends was ignoring me. Throughout the day I figured out that she was telling all of my friends lies about me… She turned three of them against me. The other two are loyal and had the common sense to talk to me about it. And they know I am not the kind of person that would do the things she said I was doing. So in one day I lost four of the closest friends I’ve ever had. And it wouldn’t hurt that much if I wasn’t able to see the way they see me in their eyes. Judging. My Big brother (I’ve never really met him-at least not as far as I can remember in my life but I’ve talked on the phone with him a few times) got out of jail recently and every time I see he’s online I try to talk to him but I think it’s clear he doesn’t want to talk to me. And some other friends who have never even met Lois have recently just stopped talking to me. I’ve lost everyone I care about in such a short period of time. I really only have one person left and I take care of her though I really wish someone would do that for me right now…
It sucks how your so called “best-friends” turned on you. At least now you have learned that they are not as good as best friends should be. You’ve learned the hard way – the risks of friendship. But i guess life is like that. You have to take chances and grab them as they come to you. Some may be risks but only by taking them, will we really learn if they were good or bad.
You sound like a strong person to me, because it’s clear that you value yourself, and not let other peoples opinion change how you see yourself. That’s a positive. And by identifying positives and being optimistic you slowly create an aura of happiness and positive energy around you. Life does get hard but, cliche as hell, but sometimes a smile can really be a useful tool. I’ve had a lot of troubles in life, and i still do.. but i guess i just try and make every day that much more meaningful than the last. And it makes me happy 🙂
If you ever need a friend to talk to, i’m here. Though we have not met, as a philanthropist, i am friends with everyone as i believe the power of human connection can reign positivity which will start to make this world, a nicer place to exist in… my email address is: … email me if you want to get in touch :)… i’m a 17 year old Male, living in Australia ..
hey dawn .. just read your other post
(assuming it’s the same friend you mentioned to your teacher)
she must have felt betrayed and is thinking: dawn will pay for her betrayal
however, that type of secret is huge & very hard to keep to oneself, especially with your current emotional state .. your intention wasn’t to do her wrong, you wanted to prevent her from doing harm to herself .. to some people, your action can be frowned upon BUT it wasn’t malicious or anything
do you think it’s still possible to have a convo between the 2 of you with the rest of your friends as observers ? don’t give up ‘too soon’
No. The friend in the other post is Miranda. She still kind of ignors me but she’s not like that. She doesn’t talk about me and she doesn’t lie. Lois is a different person altogether. She is not suicidal. Never was. She’s perfectly healthy person who lies a lot and is good at it (I know when she’s lying but others don’t) but she is a good friend and never talks about her friends behind their backs, never tells lies about them. I don’t what I did to her… Until Thursday everything was fine. We were really close…
I can assume Lois is a manipulator
and you were isolated from the group because she knows she cannot deceive nor control you, she may even be afraid of you .. unfortunately, only time will reveal her true colors despite her constant efforts to hide them .. at some point, even the most manipulable of your friends would have no choice but to see her for what she really is
then, she’ll have to move to another group because she’s been exposed
Yeah. Thak you. And after this week is over, school will be out and most of them I will never see again. I do know Im the only one who could see throu her. I never tried to get anyone else to. I’m not that kind of person. Even with who she was-all the lies, randomly ignoring me sometimes, and pretending to not feel well so I would do her work for her while she put her head down, but I would never talk about it. Never even dream of exposing or turning anyone against her. I am the glue. I’m the one who held everyone together because I almost feel like bawling my eyes out to see anyone argue so I was the one to calmy and reasonably sit them down and talk things out. I was the leader of the pack that needs them as much as they need me. I keep my friendships very close and tight. I don’t understand how it came undone so easily