I knew it wouldn’t last. All that happiness has vanished from yesterday.
I had a terrible day today. At lunch I sat alone. All my classes were spent ignoring everyone. And when I come home, my dad just starts yelling at me because he’s not appreciated.
Well guess what, neither am I. I just took 5000 mg of advil and I plan on taking more later. Maybe then they’ll realize they should’ve appreciated me.
Advil is a horrible drug
I’m really sorry to hear these things, it sounds like how I spent most of middle/high school honestly. :/
I can empathize with the feeling of wanting to die. I can tell you I feel I do not deserve to be appreciated. I can also tell you, by my own way of researching suicide methods, that a lot can go wrong with acetaminophen overdoses. You might end up comatose, someone might find you and you’ll go to the hospital, where they’ll hook you up to machines and try to save your brain from permanent damage. You could come out of it and have lost your memories, your abilities to speak/communicate, etc…
I feel like a hypocrite telling you to get some help. But really, please please please consider it. Things are shitty now, and you don’t know what the future holds, but you deserve a chance to escape the confines of your school and your family and get to experience the joys the rest of the world can bring. I can’t say this world we inhabit is wonderful, but being free of your parents’ direct authority and getting to find your own way in life can make it so much more bearable. You won’t always be sitting alone. I suffered all through my school years hating myself because I never seemed to have a solid friend. There’s a lot out there, even when it seems the most hopeless.
Please call Poison Control, tell somebody, please don’t end it like this. Things can get so much better after shitty adolescence.
🙁 Awww…
So far, I’ve chicken pretty much out. I started feeling light headed, and still do. I’m eating now, maybe I’ll feel better. but I don’t plan on telling anyone, my parents, my friends, or Poison Control. So far I don’t plan on killing myself yet. But next time I do, I don’t plan on overdosing as a way out…
I wish I could tell you it’s not worth it, but I have been there and still there myself. When you are enveloped by darkness it’s so hard to find the light. Know that “we” are here.