I’m thinking that if I do commit suicide, it would be pills. I’m afraid that I will puke them up though, but there are a lot around me house so if I take a ton of different ones it might work.
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No – don’t do that. It doesn’t work, trust me. Have tried 5 times and survived. Ok, twice my life was saved at the last minute at hospital. But it is better not to take tablets.
Try and stay around
Thanks, I’m trying to hold on!
Pills are definitely not the way to go. Peace.
When you see people like Heath Ledger somehow find the “right” combination of medications to accidentally kill himself, one can’t help but wonder if there aren’t a few combinations that if over done, will produce the desired result. that said, it’s unlikely that the correct combination can be found laying around most homes.
I think anytime taking a vast number of any one or more drugs is going to force the body to reject then. That never seems to work as noted in above comments and in many anecdotal incidents throughout this site and across the globe.
If anyone did have information as to what the magic combination(s) is, I’m sure it would be all over the interwebs by now – but I’d still be interested in knowing what it is … because it DOES exist. Without know it, I would not seriously consider this option as you’d cause yourself more physical damage and long term heartache and hardships than just trying to get past you current issues.
all the best
alchemy dawg
Yep. Pills rarely work…
From Wikipedia:
“Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine.”
Everybody has a different rate of metabolism and tolerance. What may be fatal to one person could just make another person sleepy…
The media is shit. They portray suicide easy. Its not. And pills? Hardly kill anything. I’ve tried suicide by pills 4 times. Nothing. All I’m left with is a damaged liver.