After surviving I realized how much I really do want to die. I seriously hate 99.9% of the world. If I don’t let my anger out soon,I’ll burst. I just have to make it to August. Counselors and medicine is bull. I just can’t wait to be dead,I feel as if I have lived my life. When people say “you’re to young to die” I stop and think,what that really means. 13 is old to me. I’m not throwing a pity party. Tell me why I’m so depressed.
Cause people never stop sticking their noses into your life.
doctors think medicane cures everything.but sometimes everypill in the world wont take away the reality of what caused it,so it is bullshit for that
Misalignment with what we call God or pure positive flowing energy is what causes disease or any other ailment. Like noexception said, no pill can cure that. So it’s up to us to allow our emotions in to better feeling states which is the guide back to reconnected with our inner or authentic being. From that place, life flows much easier. So it’s up to you.