There’s a new girl who is in the waiting room at my psychiatrist’s office. She sits and waits while I sit and wait. She must be seeing someone else in the building at the same time as my appointment. She is pretty. She has more exposed cuts than anyone else I have seen. They look like they were put there deliberately. Most are completely healed. I want to say hi to her. I want to ask if she will be my friend. She looks sad and I feel crazy. Would it be wrong to ask her to meet up at the fancy juice bar after our appointments?
Doesnt sound like a good idea. She is there for treatment not to get picked up
Do it. 🙂
I agree with Elleonil. 🙂
She probably wants you to talk to her more than anything.
People are judging her harshly and I’m sure that she could use the friendship and understanding. Maybe you two will hit it off? You never know until you try, so yes, for both of your benefit. It’s as easy as saying “Hi, I’m xxxxx… What’s your name?” and see what happens.
Good luck! 🙂
Thanks for the input. I just want to be her friend, nothing more. Maybe next time I see her I will say hi.
Just her friend? Where’s the fun in that? Beware of the friend zone.
Don’t listen to sunshined. She (I assume) doesn’t even use punctuation correctly. lol. J/k
But seriously, she could be forced to be there and hates it. It’s boring waiting around the doc’s office looking at the stupid paintings. Ask her which painting is her favorite. If she replies positively, tell her your name. If she’s still positive and tells you hers, then extend ur hand shake and say nice to meet you, maybe ask to sit a few seats away.
Talk about what grade she’s in or where she goes to school. Her favorite music or if she has hobbies. Tell her how boring it is to wait around. Just don’t talk about why you guys are there until she brings it up.
Sounds like a good thing to do! Don’t be discouraged. 🙂
Hey, would love to hear what happens. This may sound weird but i love listening to real stories like this. It fascinates me how people react to situations. I would talk to her 🙂
I hope you keep us updated!
haha I wouldn’t say to ask her to meet you up riqht away but just say hi,start talkinq to her and hpefully It blossoms Into somethinq beautiful!
Life is right, just say hi.