According to experts you have a mental illness if: 1) You have “gross and persistent irresponsibility for social norms, rules and obligations(Antisocial Personality Disorder) 2) Actively refuses to comply with majorities – Requests or consensus supported rules -Argues often(Oppositional Defiance Disorder) It is sad how its not really your life, you are not free to live how you choose, society expects things even though it is your life. You are expected to : Get a job, get married, follow all laws,have kids,contribute to society. I just want to live for myself and do what I want to. Its sad how you are supposed to conform and be boring. The freedom isn’t true, if I am free why can’t I do drugs legally if I choose to, or protest with out concern of being shot. Conclusions: 1) If you don’t do what society say you have a mental illness 2) Humans as a species are the worst thing to happen to earth 3) Unless you are a passive, mindless, boring, brainwashed slave, you have a mental illness 4) Most people are boring, passive, brainwashed slaves 5)It is interesting that the treatment for mental illness is drugs which just happen to have effects that cause you to take more drugs, and drug companies just happen to make billions 6) If I do have a mental illness it is surely caused by having to deal with humanity 7) I might be considered a terrorist for thinking this way
It’s true what you said… There aren’t so few like us who despises this kind of life. But we live it, we live it and get depressed. We do things against our will. Because the system is cruel, you have to a job at least to satisfy your needs.
We are not hunters anymore, we need money to satisfy our physical needs. But we suffer inside. I sometimes wonder, why I have born this way, why I can’t be insane like everybody else and just enjoy this life and be happy… I always hated the system, I despise people because they seem to be satisfied by it.
Then again.. Fuck me, I could be that brainwashed man and just be HAPPY.
“They called me mad, and I called them mad, and damn them, they outvoted me.” – Nathaniel Lee (just before getting sent to Bedlam)
Great post. You’ve just summed up my entire existence. I can’t understand why I’m an “outcast” just because I don’t agree with society. I wish society would just leave me alone, and I’ll leave society alone. But no, I must conform.
Human beings are indeed the worst thing to happen to this planet. Earth & its plants & animals got along just fine for 100 million years before we showed up. Suddenly in the short time we’ve been here we’ve managed to poison the air, drive species to extinction & screw up every square inch we’ve touched. And they’re telling me I’m insane for not wanting to be a part of it?
Fine, send in the men in white. I’ll likely be dead by the time they get here.
Excellent post, painful but true. I roll my eyes and zip my lips when I hear every life is special, sacred, has meaning. Not at all. Life is cheap, it is an accident of chemistry, and a mistake I hope the universe corrects ASAP.
The conundrum is this: our modern conveniences, I am addicted to them. Air conditioning; refrigerators, power tools, bicycles, phones, dentistry, plumbing. Our fucked up society makes me crazy but I don’t want to live in a cave without mosquito repellent. I don’t want to shit in a bush or have all my teeth fallout. Society DOES make my life easier and more pleasurable. i do NOT think I’d be any happier living in the 1900s. IF you’ve seen any of the excellent shows like Frontier house, 1900 House, 1940 House – life has always been a struggle and smelled bad.
I digress. What I appreciate the most from your post is the astute observation that mental illness is defined as being unwilling to deny reality and act like a robot. How fucked up is that.I still think the most depressed folks i know are the ones with no illusions about what the world is, what it does to good people, how random it is and how miserable we make our own lives, then die. Depression and good observational skills equal insanity, apparently.