I hear all this stuff about “suicide must be stopped” “find out the risk factors of suicide to prevent it” “Prison inmates suicide can be stopped” WHY I don’t get why they want to stop suicide. This world isn’t worth living for. And seriously prevent inmate suicide why? they are in hell on earth why would you prevent their suicide? It always amazes me how people try to prevent sombody elses suicide by getting they locked up or drugged. For anybody who says “suicide is the cowards way out” or “suicide is for weak losers” I hope that they get severe depression, get physically ill, try to kill themselves and then locked up in a mental hospital for 3 months, and lose all their friends. then I would like to see their opinions on suicide
Spot on. All these parrots are talking about preventing suicide, but they have no viable alternative.
Or rather, of course, some suicides should be prevented. Sometimes someone will do something rash, when they could have recovered completely and had a good life.
But for those of us who are truly lost, suicide feels like the only hope.
My guess: Either the people saying this are thinking squarely of the relatives, or they don’t know jack shit about the issue.
I don’t think people that want to commit suicide are cowards or weak losers. It takes a lot of balls to do it.
I do agree that in some cases suicide should be prevented but even then I still think its the person’s choice
Suicide is what people do after some idiots screw the suicidal’s life up.
It’s not the world’s fault after all, sooner or later we are all going to die.
Sure it’s the person’s choice, but sometimes people make dumb choices.
I’d hate it if someone I loved made that choice lightly.
I agree though. I think that those who say it is selfish for us to want to take our lives are really the selfish ones. Why would they want us to continue on in our suffering? That is pure selfishness.
It’s hard for non-suicidals to understand. They can’t grasp the fact that someone might actually WANT to die. It scares them, so they try to make you see life’s worth living. Some I believe can have a good life. Kids who are bullied or people who are abused or going through a difficult time – sometimes that can get better you just have to wait and try. People who were tormented for being gay in school always say how things got better once they got older so those suicides I can understand them trying to prevent. For people like me however, I can’t be happy no matter what I do so I wish people would stop trying to tell me to stick it out.
Voluntary euthanasia would solve a great deal of our world’s problems. See the film “Soylent Green”, it demonstrates this beautifully. I saw this film when I was a child and even then it made sense to me. Euthanasia centers/clinics were set up so that the surplus poulation could simply walk in at any time and request a gentle, soothing death by lethal injection, while they lay peacefully in a comfortable bed with clean linen, watching a giant screen showing beautiful images and listening to peaceful music. I had hoped I would live long enough to see it realized in my time, but it seems there is no money in it, and it is more lucrative for pharmaceutical corporations to rake in billions sedating the “defective” machines that don’t fit.
thanks you guys seriously everywhere else this question is asked the reply is “you coward” “people in Africa are starving stop complaining about your life” or some bullshit about how If I think its bad now wait until I go to hell. I fucking hate that so much.
I can’t be happy either because even If I was mentally and physically perfect I couldn’t live in this world
I agree that it is selfish, if one can’t offer a better solution.
Often, though, it is selfish in a very human way, i.e. it is because people love you that they don’t want you dead.
wow this blog is amazing. i agree that little sally who just got made fun of on FB shouldnt go doing anything drastic, but for us out there who really dread living every, single, day..
“Why would they want us to continue on in our suffering? That is pure selfishness.”