So … I was reading the comments and someone (I think emptyness7) said she’d seen so much suffering and evil in the world … so have I … lots … I’m arguably one of the oldest on this site so yeah … I’ve seen a WHOLE lot of bad shit. but also I’ve seen a lot of really, REALLY good stuff – from a lot of sensitive and caring and selfless people … like a lot of the kids on this site.
You wear you hearts on your sleeve and bloody it with your blades … and it pains me to think you’ll either kill it or it will become scarred and callous. through all the pain you endure will come compassion and guidance for those that will follow unless you let it make you cold and uncaring – which some of you have endure some true horrors that i shudder to think about. Yet you endure … sure you’re sad and you cry, and you want to give it all up. But still. tomorrow you’re here … and through it all … all that horrible stuff … stuff that makes grown men scared to think those kinds of thing happen … you put your pain and anguish aside and rush to help those that stumble and fall. You offer any and everything you have JUST to get them through another week, a day … an hour … or even the next couple minutes!
That’s the stuff HEROES are made of … in the face of certain doom and at great peril … without regard to yourself … you help others … FIRST!
the picture above is of two mutts that were abused and neglected … along with dozens of others that were confiscated … a rescue I’m aligned with took about in 8 of those dogs (the rest where taken in by other rescues across the state so they are all safe) … and asked if I would take a couple in to foster them … I did of course …
Because it’s these dogs that give me the strength, drive and desire to wake up the next day. I many ways I am like many of you … different issues but generally resigned to a fate which I’ve come to terms with … but I postpone that destiny because of these dogs … and the ones that I took in before and the ones that will likely follow.
I have no compelling reason to continue and I can’t help them all … but for these two … I made all the difference in the world. the difference of life or death – for them i suffer … for them I endure another day of brute physical pain
who else?
hence the name … dawg
I did say that. Animals are one of the few remaining joys I have. Sometimes I think I stay here because if I hear one more story on the news about an abused animal, I’m going to start turning my self hatred into violence on others.
You’re right too. It’s amazing how strong people are when they’re called upon to help and think of others. I’m also old (34) and I’m tired. Still though I keep trying to help. Ironically I am suicidal because I’m being harassed because I tried to help and my selflessness is actually killing me. But here I am….still helping. Because what kind of world do we live in? It’s evil and corrupt but we can’t extinguish all the light.
You were the catalyst for my post – and you’re not old 🙂
I remember your story and i hope you find yourself vindicated … I find it curious that the cynical world cries and complains how selfish and uncaring the world is and then attacks, berates and belittles caring and selflessness.
Stay strong, keep caring but you must always cover your ass when you expose it.
all the best
care dawg
Thank you. I just keep thinking…. I though Senator Joseph McCarthy died long ago. I guess human nature is to persecute.
McCarthyism is alive and well – look what they keep trying to do to the president. I am certain that Jesus Christ himself would be strung up and executed all over again (this time by christians) if he returned to earth today – which I find thoroughly humorous because that is what they are praying for the most yet they wouldn’t believe him if he came they’d ridicule and bully him – I’m a non-believer and I’d treat him better than his “faithful followers” would.
we have to try and make our own breaks – no one will do it for us, and they will try to stymie us at every step.
blind side dawg
@GG – here’s the new boys 🙂
The white one is the scardychicken who needs the special attention – I have two others currently as well
multi dawg
Aww, he’s so cute, they both are. :]
nice dogs Dawg. i love animals i would be completely lost without my 3 giants
thanks … these are my fosters … confiscated along with 30+ others from a neglectful hoarder. … they had no real social skills to speak of when I got them … now they’re neurotic/normal … but the white one is still very untrusting to everyone but me
lead dawg
@Heartless … giants? … danes?
Nice. my oldest dog a lab who i’ve had for 10 yrs is the same way he only trusts me and my dad and will instantly bark at anyone else we don’t know his past other than he was found as a puppy wandering in the tundra but we think he was abused he’s always been scaredy cat
There’s my flat coat lab thats weighs 100lbs
i’ve got a 110lb bernesse mountain dog named Bear
then there’s Asia which is my 1yr old siberian husky
I made all the difference in the world. the difference of life or death – for them i suffer … for them I endure another day of brute physical pain.this is basically how jesus feels
Awesome heartless! I love bigger dogs … but I don’t have the facilities for them … pitties being a particular fave of mine – they’re just so luvabull … plus I can save and afford more smaller ones … the white one in the pic ^ is like your lab – except he barks at my roomie and drives him nuts and gets mad … which makes the dog trust him even less … so the dog barks more … trying to explain this simple logic to a human should be easier than talking a dog out of his natural instincts … but it would not seem to be the case in this instance LOL
man whisperer dawg
man whisperer…LOL… and yea you’d think it’d be easier to teach a human but if the human can stand there and just keep barking back at it then by Darwin’s theory your dogs will outlive them
well – I’ve actually almost got the white one acting totally counter-instinctive (one might almost think I’m good at such things – almost) … only to discover that all this time it’s the brown one in the picture that starts the whole outburst with a low rolling gut growl … then all hell breaks loose … my roomie is a stubborn cuss :/
it is what it is dawg
wow… both of my older dogs are male and when it was just them they were fine but then i got my female dog and every now and then the older ones snap at each other at first you’d think it’d be the males problem with dominace but it’s my little girl who starts it and trys to be cute to get out of trouble.
when I was married … we foster one … one female peke … a lovely precious girl from a puppy mill … she “was” a “producer” … needless to say … she was less than enthused to meet the 4 males (all fixed) at the house and made no bones about it … she was vicious towards them if they came within lunging distance … she drew blood a couple times on my american bull dog (retard named “Boo” – search the media list for his pic)
found her a great home in a month … thank gawd
facilitator dawg
Lolz… idk what i’d do without them
my life wouldn’t have much purpose …people like us gotta look out for them. don’t let them down my friend 🙂
humble dawg