Im just so fucking scared that I will fail. I dont want to fail. And since I’m one of the worlds biggest failures there’s a big possibility that I will.
Im just so fucking scared that I will fail. I dont want to fail. And since I’m one of the worlds biggest failures there’s a big possibility that I will.
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you can’t call yourself a failure… and what do you think you failed at??? we all make mistakes and its hard but we have to think of the good things sometimes…
Christina, you make a strong point.
Your fear of failure creates pain and suffering in your life.
But think for a moment.
Your fear of failure is really a fear of the future.
We call this fear, worry.
You are worried about failing in the future and that worry is Harming you in the present.
In reality ou can be free of this fear, this worry.
By simply realizing that there is no future, nothing happens in th future, you can only experience things NOW.
So what is the future and your worries about it?
The future is an imaginary idea created by your mind to help you prepare.
That’s all.
Think about this; the only time you are afraid of failing in the future is when your mind thinks about it.
If you could stop your thoughts from badgering you about what might happen, you would be at peace.
This is the key to life without suffering, enlightenment.
Since coming to this place I have consistently left one message.
Not really fear for the future. I meant I’m afraid Ill fail at killing myself. Dont really want to end up in a mental hospital you know.
You are an imp!
(don’t worry, that’s a good thing!)
And when will this happen?
When will you fail at killing yourself?
In the future.
Get it?
That’s how our minds work, we worry about some future event, it torments us.
I will write a story for you, today, soon.
Read it, ok?
I did it,
I wrote you the story,
Please read it,
Ask me about it if you wish,