A few days ago i was diagnosed with bipolar not otherwise specified. my medication that my pyschiatrist is only enhancing my mood swings. its horrible. i feel like im going crazy and im a ticking time bomb. i almost threw objects at my sisters at two different times; today and yesterday. its getting really bad.
You need to be honest and determined with medication – you need to tell them what it is doing for you especially if it is not helping. Crap, I wish that they always listened.
i just wish i was fixed. i havent been happy for more than a weeks since i was in sixth grade i am a senior now. it is just such a sucky way to live and im sick of it. i just want to run away. i have had that urge so bad the past couple of weeks. its really bad that i get this wicked bad gut discomfort feeling and i jsut want to run away. i hate living like this. i really dont care what happens to me. my bipolar is making me wreckless.
i missed my appt today with my therapist which is prob the worst thing i could have done. i go to her every week on the day for a reason.. i can’t go any longer! so many times today did i feel like i should have just been in her office and blabbing my whole shpeel. idk. i didnt ditch the appt i went somewhere else with my family.