Last time I spoke with another person was 14 months ago. And I don’t really suffer from social phobia or anything like that. I think I’ve become Human Cockroach. Kafka wrote about it but I used to think it was a joke or huge exaggeration. And sadly there is not even a trace of struggle here. I could really appreciate it, struggle equals life. Instead I’m trapped in airless wastelands. Why I’m still alive, when all hope is long gone, that’s truly a mystery to me.
How have you gone so long without talking to anyone?
I used to play in mmorpg 12 hours per day. But my computer is piece of junk now, I can’t do that anymore.
Well I’m very sorry. Friends? Family? People at school or work? Try to get out there.
I’ve tried. Now I just need to find enough courage or enough contempt to throw this life away. Thank you for your concern. I appreciate it.