I’m sick of  everyone. it seems as if everyone i know is self-centered I’m sick of it. Everyone comes to me for help like my “friend” comes to me saying hes going to kill himself so I do what every good friend does and keeps on talking to him but all he does is say he hates me and that I’m a whore because i was molested and why wont i just let him go die. I know he didn’t mean it…I never take to hart what anyone says when their mad but he must have wanted help or else he wouldn’t have stayed on the phone right? This just mad me feel horrible and I’m done with everything. Ive cut myself today and i can still feel… that used to be enough to give me some sort of reason to live, the fact that i can feel these feeling. I feel that all feeling are a necessity for being human and i know that the only reason i feel this sad now is the fact that i must have felt something really good before. But so many things have happened in my life i was abused, molested, raped, put through foster care, and having to deal with the fact i may be bi or gay most likely gay. I’m about to hang myself under all the pressure of everyone around me. I’m nice and i get strate As what more do you want?I’m sorry if this is hard to undersand I’m not in the rite fram of mide to do this.
Hi Bog, You did fine i knew exactly what you were talking about. I do feel your pain, i’ve been through the same thing to a certain degree. Keeping trying to help others even if it seems useless. Helping others might help you keep yourself sane, i shouldn’t talk tho lol. Take it one day at a time, minute by minute. thats really all you can do. Think positive, be strong and hold your head high. It helps to a certain degree, at least it does for me until i start going down hill again. Take care
Thank you why cant more people be nice
I’ve noticed in my short few decades on this planet that the human race is the cruelest specie on the planet. I like to think there are more people that really do care in this world but we never see them. we always see the negativity. good example, we never see the boy that walked granny accross the street but the media makes sure to show the boy that ran granny over crossing the street. The human race i believe lives for negativity. they live to bring others down, why is beyond me. i want to be one of the few people in this world that can say i do belive i’ve made a different in some peoples lives. Every little bit counts in my opinion. it may never be much but at least i’m giving it a a shot to best of my ability. all we can do is ignore the ones that we know are out to bring us down, more than we already do ourselves. nobody understand and just criticizes the people that think the way we do. people make fun of what they dont understand, i’ve seen it my whole life. just look after yourself and everyting may fall into place, or so i like to think. i wonder tho.