well…finally got this thing running…im schizojinxx, but please, call me lexi. im schizophrenic, emo, bipolar, depressed and psychotic at times. i have very few, but VERY nice friends. i enjoy drawing, but i SUCK at drawing people…i cut, often. but i am going to try burning. i atempt suicide often…VERY often but im scared of how my friends would get on. fu(k my family, they dont care. i curse alot so yeah..thats me for ya…i hope to find someone like me on here…
Not a burner, not a cutter… stupid psychiatrists would label me as bipolar for how low I was feeling just an hour ago versus now… but hey… nice to meet ya 🙂
And I am Samuel btw! 🙂
Hi lexi. What ethnicity and age are you? I know a lexi and shes african american. Im mexican and 17. I think i might have some type of schizo since ive dreamt about voices and recently ive been getting a deja vu feeling that triggers the voices. Do the voices speak words? Mine are either stupid or not speaking clearly but most sound angry. Oh yeah my name is Nathan.
Just me: i think im bipolar too. Or it could be all the chemicals from the monster energy drinks i drink every day this week. Also i might have ocd since apparently im obsessive about a few things and people. I overanalyze too much, am very lazy, demotivated, gullible occasionally, pessimistic and cynical.
@ rogue There’s nothing wrong with ya. You’re just human! 🙂
Haha that doesnt make me feel better. Humans are doomed to fail and cause everything to go extinct. We’re lucky we didn’t lose all our self control or else we would be extinct too.
yeah, i drink montser ALOT…nathen, would you like to be frieands? no, i am white, 13….heh i try to end myself alot….but getting in a better mood ^w^
if your still on, would you like to chat? im friggin BORED!
Hell yeah summer school is a snore and afterschool i have nothing to do.
Hehe be careful who you say died in your family or friends. Im so messed up in the head i find it hilarious :P. Grandma died hahahaha
lol im going skating tommorow with 2 of my friends 😀
You skate? I used to skate except i suck haha
eme im bored as hell…
yeah i skate alot..every friday
I could only ollie and now that my dad accidentally broke my board. (hes a moron) I cant ever skate. But on the weekend ima go paintballing 😛
brb gotta pee lol
Haha im a teenager so i thought dirty bout it anyways. I’ll wait. Doo dee doo dee doo dee dahhhh. Your back!
what bands do you like?
Haha that was fast for a girl! O_O lol i wasnt keeping track of time though. Hey the pain in my mouth dissipated.
-squint- heeey
I am a fanatic about linkin park and their side project fort minor haha but alternative rock amd normal rock too.
i like falling in reverse, bvb, botdf, msi, linkin park, skrillex, mewithoutyou, hawthorn heights(practiacl for an emo) peirce the veil…thats mostly it
ugh slow ass computer…
Haha i have to keep refreshing on an iphone with crappy wifi
i have a crappy ass phone…
That sucks my iphone is out of service
Hell yeah!!!
IKR?! lol im obsessive
Lol me too
im recording stuff…i suck at recording
hey i just met you
Dont sing that song!!! Lol
i love that song….XD yeah i know its a prep song but its just so…AMERICAN
I bet you think Friday is also.
Haha i actually never heard it and dont plan to hear it
Haha me too lol. Its a crappy song. I love flobots. They have awesome songs.
Bye!!! Love you