I have failed yet again. I was just taken out of the hospital and I am now on a 24/7 Suicide watch. I thought I had finally succeeded when I had seen the bright Hospital lights. I guess the real reason I Am typing this is that I need a fast way to be gone. I have tried hanging, OD, cutting of and artery and drowning. Please I need a fast and almost painless way. I need fast becAuse although my parents don’t care about me I have one “friend” I guess but he calls if he doesn’t hear from me every 2 hours. I already have my suicideetter and a will, although because I am not 18 it won’t be legal. I am also wondering if I should do a video minutes before I do this again? And this time I don’t want to wake up to the hospital lights.
It’s against the rules to discuss suicide methods here so we can’t help you. Maybe you should just stay alive for a while.
Maybe if you put that much effort into fixing what’s wrong you will finally have success
You are too young to give up, what it is making you so suicidal?? Maybe is something you can fix. Stop trying to die, it is even harder than live. Sometimes things get better