You know how everybody says †God put you on earth for a reason†Well … . . I truly believe that “God†put me here by accendent, and hopefully he realizes his mistake and takes me back. Sure It’s been fourteen years and one month that i’ve been on this planet. But i’d happly give my life away to be anywhere eles, just not alive. But the thing is I don’t believe in this guy named “God†I don’t believe in the “Bible†ethier. I doubt that a man had magical powers and; created nature, created people, created food, created everything on earth and gave his life for us ever did excist . I’m not going to believe in him untill i see him in person, sure i did believe in him one point in my life but. Through out the years i’ve been having second thoughts about him, so I just decided not to belive. But just because i gave up on believeing in “God†dosen’t mean i believe in “Satan†I don’t even believe in him ethier. Just at this moment im a little confussed on what to believe. What do you believe?
I don’t blame god for bringing me here, I blame my parents and will forever hate them for that very reason.
I don’t believe in god, I have tried my best to live a good life and just from my observation I must behave better than 95% of people I know. And in return for this, in my darkest hours, I have asked for some very simple things, I didn’t ask for things like a million friends the next day when I would wake up, I would ask for the strength to feel better, I would ask for something simple like an old friend deciding to text me, or one day I was even having trouble getting a video game to play and I simply asked “can’t you make this work for me so I can have one distraction for a few hours?” and I couldn’t even have that. Yet you have people believing god can do all these huge miracles. I am a broken sad person and I have asked for some TINY little things and sworn that I would believe in him forever and I got nothing. And besides how stupid are my problems there are people who probably pray to him for FOOD every day and don’t get that either.
Hi CMS, I to wonder why we are here. i dont 100% there is a god that put us here, i beleive if there is a god he is up there laughing at us getting his jollies off watching us suffer. I know how we became just like TDO said. the truth of the matter is that we are all here out of out own will, Shall we end it here? that choice only each individual can decide. my only advise is to plan, and plan well. you dont want to be stuck in a body like vegetable. i’ved to end it more times than i care to say or anybody wants to know and i’m still here. breathing and walking on my own. i’ve tried it smartly(if thats a word) time and time again. i’m still stuck here however i do believe my next time will be a good one leaving no mess for anybody to clean up. All i can say is give life a chance. i’m more than twice your age and i’ve tried to live life to the fullest as best as i can. Give life a shot, who knows. maybe you’ll be glad one day you stuck it out. Think positive, be strong and Hold your head up high. If you wanna chat FB me, same name as here at Take care and good luck in your path you choose.
from what I understand him god does not make any mistakes
This man so called “god” does NOT even excist
I am also in the investigation of faith. I have watched several documentaries like this one:
And also:
It has been for me something hard to discover that we have been lied to and that the church and god are ideas used to control the masses. It is not an easy idea to grasp. A lot of people seem to breath religion in and out. I was a missionary!! But when I got to live for real none I had been taught works in the real life and I was extremely insecure. A lot of European countries are atheist. Everyday there are more atheist out there. It is not wrong not to believe. It’s just that we are taught to it and it is hard to break from that. It is actually part of the evolution process to break away from myths.
there is also info here: There are tons of books out there. I think as long as you dont become a crusader against the church or christians and other religious groups it is alright to have your own value system.
More links:
Also, it is not worth it to kill yourself over Bronze Era beliefs. If anything, feel happy that you are breaking free from every social restrain and myth. You are not alone on this one!