What’s the point of living if my family doesn’t except me for who I am if I’m bi I’m that font try to change me to who I’m not I mean I’m not perfect or anything I’m me I’m the funny one I’m the one who gets blamed for everything I’m the one who doesn’t tell on anyone for smoking weed Im that one girl who comes out of the closet and wants everyone to be fine with it and not for the opposite I just wanna die and be with the people that I loved that god took from me I wanna die and see how many people care I wanna die just to know how it feels like I wanna die in my sleep with no pain
Of course you do
Read previous comment that theres no god.
We are in our own personal hell. I get overly anxious and shit happens and I over exaggerate and thats my personal hell and I fear spiders too. You came out and got the worst reaction possible. (not the worst but seems to you like that without clear thinking).
(Rogue) Don’t put your expectations so high or else you will crash and burn quickly. Just let her cool down and accept the fact that you’re bisexual
Ohhh sweety you dont need to die to see how many care for you.if anything you have us.i was just about to post but then i read yours….i too pray for death every day and yet it never comes.my beautiful angle left me and i cant breath without her.im going to shoot my self in the chest to make the pain leave that place.it may sound hipicritical but your loved by many and shoul stick around to find out.me ive lost it all even though i have a 4 yr old son.im just a coward and a ***** tbat cant live without a woman…..please stay with us.PLEASE
Wow thanks guys it really means alot :’)
Hi Boston, Sorry for how you are feeling. I agree that is the wrong reaction to give but in this day and age it seems it’s hard for people to accept the new sexuallity people are taking on. If your happy with how you are and your choices, who cares what others think. be yourself, do what makes you happy. my opinion, your to young i think to act upon that. Wait till you’ve lived life, till your thirty(sorry if you are already, your post makes you sound young) who knows what life will bring you. Stay strong, Hold your head high and be happy. Take Care
I’m 16 and thanks again LB and everyone else you guys are making me feel alot better :’)