Hi. I am unnamed. But I have a past. And a future, I have attempted suicide 4 times by over dosing. I go to two councillors and my friends are supposed to be there for me. But they aren’t. They care more about partying and drinking and I have this. Anyways, I was sexually harassed by my step father. He texted me telling me to send him pictures and that he doesn’t think of me as a step daughter, but more as a hot friend. My mother didn’t do anything about it, she is still with him and is closer than ever with him. I struggle with life daily. One night he came into my room and started moving his hand towards by butt, and told me “tell me when you feel uncomfortable”. people say that it gets better, and that its just a phase. But its not, not at all. Everyone thinks that I am getting better and that I am happy again. I am not. I am worse than ever. I decided that I would keep my mouth shut because my friends even my best friend makes fun of me because of it. I don’t know what to do. I have no sympathy whatsoever. I need someone to lean on. But if I share this with anyone I will get told that I make everything about myself and that I am conceded. I told my sister, and those were her exact words. I need someone. But there is no one I can talk to. I have no trust worthy friends anymore.
I won’t try to say I know what you’re going through – I don’t. But, I do know what the inside of deep blackness looks like. Been there.
For me it’s gotten better. It took time and pain but I’m not there now.
Your step father is so far out wrong, I should like to have a chat with him. Sadly, the likely outcome of such a chat is usually illegal, even though what he is trying to do to probably is. It’s him that is wrong, not you.
I hope this helps.
We’re your friends. And we are trustworthy. We all gathering at this site for purpose you see. We’re your friends. We will reply if you need us. We understand your pain because we ourselves has experience that pain before. Feel free talking to us.
We’re your friends. And we are trustworthy. We all gathering at this site for purpose you see. We’re your friends. We will reply if you need us. We understand your pain because we ourselves has experience that pain before. Feel free talking to us.