I know, it’s probably strange seeing an 11 year old on here. But my mother recently died. My sister hates me and bullies me all the time. I’ve been depressed since November 2011 but no one ever notices. It may be bad if i cut my self but i have done it. I’ve been trying to stop but its hard. I am getting there though. My sister talks to me like i am crap. She acts like i don’t mean anything. But I do. Ever since my mother died it hasn’t been the same. I miss her. I talk to her. I have been bullied by lots of people. So much that I havn’t wanted to go to school. I even act like I am strong but I used to be. But i have crumbled, I am broken. I go to the beach on Saturday. I hope there I won’t worry about this. I feel like the world is shutting me out, like it’s saying “why are you here? you have no meaning! go away and do us all a favor!” my friends don’t realize if it wasnt for them i wouldnt be able to be here today. I can’t be around sharp objects with out getting dark feelings. I refuse to go to school on September 15 ( my mother’s birthday) and November 2 (the day of her death). The day she died was the worst thing that could ever have happened. My dad picked me up at school which was very strange he told me, “I went by the hospital today” I nodded telling him to continue, he said, “your mother, you know, is very sick, and well, she didn’t make it” at that moment it felt like my world was crashing down right before my eyes. I have to thank a girl named Maddie, who when she found out what happened made me cards and went to all my friends asking what my favorite cupcake flavor was. She ended up finding out i liked red velvet and snuck cupcakes into school, after getting in trouble with multiple teachers for having food in class she gave them to me. I must thank her. I feel like I need to get this out.
God, you’ve had to endure so much at your age that nobody should go through. My heart goes out to you. It was sweet for Maddie to make you cupcakes and sneak them in. Hopefully you will find some retreat at the beach Saturday. You’re extremely strong & I hope you continue being strong. Hang in there. There’s got to be a wonderful future for you.
Hi Erin, yes at first it did catch my eye, your age i mean. However the thoughts and feelings we get aren’t age specific. I’m sorry to hear about all of this, it brough a tear to my eye, it really did. I dont understand why children have to go through all the pain and anguish. it should be made to go through the older people in your life. Stay stong as you seem like you have a very strong side to you, it’s just hidden by everything right now. keep a straight head and hold it high. Think positive and dont let anybody bring you down. if you ever need an ear i’ll listen. you can email me or FB me anytime. same name as here. once again i’m sorry you ahd to go through all this at such a young age, take care, stay strong and ignore your sister.
It’s not at all strange. I can remember back to when I was able to contemplate I would constantly wish I was dead, hell I was when I came to that realization. Please come here and vent all you want , we are not here for constructive criticism.
I’m 14 and my life has problems but man, you have a ton of problems. My eyes teared up, really, reading that. Parents and older people sometimes don’t see how much pain kids are in and people at school can be more of a hindrance than a help. You need to find good friends, friends that will stay with you though anything and always be there for you. I have mine and they have saved my life. They are out there you just have to find them, it took me a while but I did. I know it’s hard, trust me I know but you have to ignore the people that say bad things to you, the bully’s, your sister and concentrate on the good. I always repeat this phrase when I am feeling depressed and it always helps me. Say it to yourself, speak it out loud next time you are sad, “If there is sad there has to be happy.” You can easily say it while walking.
Life is like a roller coaster for some people. They are either really happy or sad, they go up and down. I know I am one of those people and I don’t know if you are just know that life gets better. Know that when you are sad there will be a happy moment to make up for it. It’s perfectly normal to want to vent and always remember people love you.