i dont get it. why. why is the world fucked, why do we have bullies, why do we have shallow people if omfg people could just be nice to everyone do u really think people would feel as worthless as they do? i dont think they would. why cant people have faith in everyone, why is this world fucked? maybe thats where the saying life isnt fair comes to play but what just cause life isnt fair we have thousands of people who feel worthless and the need to die? that is the most fucked up thing ever in this world! why do we have sluts, bitches, hoes, whores and all that why do we have douches and jerks and heartless men and women? why cant this world be peaceful? DOES ANYONE AGREE WITH ME?!?
I think a lot of people agree.
But this world is just filled with stupid ignorant people. Don’t forget; we are animals.
yes true and very stupid ignorant people. the world has to many of those people.
yes this is exactly what im saying society is full of heartless evil peopleyet the nicest people feel sad and want to die its not fair at all and that could change if people would change
k idk if im saying this right but, thats exactly why i wrote this post. not cuz i think people on SP are bad i believe we’re the victims of our fucked up world. i believe we can all relate to what i wrote cuz its very true. if others would just wake up i think the percentage of people on SP or just being depressed/suicidal in general would go down a lot..
the nastiness of man has erased my desire for any type of future on this planet
they can all have fun destroying each other while I get to relax and enjoy perfection in the afterlife (if there is one)
@truthbetold-mine is slowly erasing but i wanna try and see my future though im already at my breaking point