I feel so much hate by my mom . I don’t even know her anymore . She’s always getting mad at me for no reason ? I ask her something and she get’s mad . But i can tell she loves my middle sister more . She’s always talking about her and she never gets mad at . I’m 15 and ive always tried to behave good just so that my mom would be proud of me . I dance , and i don’t want nothing to ruined it . Since i have a boyfriend , my mom thinks im going to open my legs like she did . But im not . I wanna live my life . I want to become something important . But apperantly my mom doesnt see that . My dads outta town working , and i have no one to talk to . By this days i dont know if i can take it anymore . I just dont want to be here . I feel like if im not here everything would be better especially because of my mom .
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She loves you, never doubt that. The thing we forget, that mothers are also humans. Your mom says rude things when she gets angry.. Maybe it became like a bad habit for her and she gives in to those moments of anger.
Try to talk about it. I just think you should find together a way for your mom, how she could release bad emotions. Life went on, and she somehow got used to shouting on you.. You can try to change that with a conversation, maybe pick a certain word , funny one or long one, so when she is getting out of control, you say it out loud, and then she will be reminded of the conversation instantly and that would calm her down.. Well it works in some cases. Good luck.