well this morning i woke up i felt so much better i was able stand on both of my feet but i was still a little limping i get to the arch of my room hallway and lean against the wall for balance and everything instantly become fuzzy and black spots appeared ( i have perfect vision!) i felt heavy and my dad walks downstairs and says “u feel okay?” i said “no” he told me to go back to bed my body couldnt respond i just fell over and hit the floor which than split my scab open from my leg so now there was blood and i was burning up so i was sweaty ugh! why? so i took a shower and now i feel fine? WTF? does anyone know why i would just lose my vision for a minute and fall over?
Maybe you have orthostatic intolerance or orthostatic hypotension. Did the black spots go away? If they did not go away, then uou may have had a vitreous hemorrhage.
The diaphoresis (sweating) you experienved may have been caused by low blood sugar (hypolglycemia).
There are numerous diseases that can cause transient visual disturbances or loss of vision and the other symptoms you had. If your symptoms persist, you should see a doctor.
I should have edited my post before I submitted it! I apologize for all of the typos.
ahh thnx, hmm prob low blood sugar. i feel fine now though