Every day without him is a struggle i have to either cut till i feel relife or gett fucked up to feel like im with him i miss him why did he have to go so young and why do i have to be so young dealing with it i loved him and he loved me now wee will never see our future plans come out toghter i love you martin and one day i will be with you again
I don’t really have no words to help that kind of pain, my heart goes out to you. I hope something comes into you life to make each day less painful. if i read right he died 3 yrs ago…? you carry pain for long time shows a lot. hope the people around you value you, stay strong.
I also deal with grief and I still have a lot of guilt over things I wish I would have done or said. I know the feeling of never feeling whole again. I hope you feel better knowing there are others that share your pain. Stay strong.
no he died march 23rd and thanks for the suppost and im trying to stay storong and it does help that other people know what im going through
My mom died from ovarian cancer and my sister died in a head-on collision the same year. It was a bad time…and still is. Any time you want to talk, I’m here to listen.
Kimberly, I’m sorry for your loss, but maybe it’s time to find someone else to love?
it’s hard but he would want you to be happy. you have to try your hardest even if it seems impossible. you should live your life as great as you can. make it as if your living for him