funny thins is…the guys..gals…we in the people in tis website….seem to be highly intelligent people…we tend to be self aware….but how come…or why is it that we feel this way….or maybe are driven to this manner of depression by outisde factors….is it maybe that we are worse than others that we absorb their bullying…or is it maybe that they know that we are better and that we end up getting bullied because they know we are better…or is it just plain dumb luck that we get treated illfully and end up being in a depressed state….maybe thats it…after several years of mental brutality by the paternal gene giver has driven me to this state of insanity, depression, and hopefully…sudden death,,,,sigh….be well all…here are the rantings of a lunatic…and near suicideal mind…
I think we are much deeper thinkers than other people. We care very deeply. While the bulling type seem to have no conscience. Lack of empathy for others. I couldnt dream of being that way. Even though I am sad all the time I believe I would still rather be me than the blank canvas that mut be their existance.
I have often wished that I was not so discerning of everything. It seems like a curse doesn’t it? Everyone else seems so blissfully ignorant. We are indeed more kind and intelligent. We are the dreamers, we want to do something…real with our lives. Let other people live how they will. We are mature ones. We can change the cruel cycle and show love to the world which gave us nothing but hatred. We don’t want ANYBODY to experience what we have. Of course we would like people to not be black and hollow, but we don’t want them to go through what we did in order to learn how to love. We often wonder though, is it not possible for someone to have a wonderful life and still possess natural affection and empathy? Sometimes we are tempted to give in and be like others, but love overrules. We may be strange compared to most, but we have love and we would never trade. We do the right thing even when it’s worse for us. Even worse than experiencing affliction, would be to join the side that is afflicting. We could not bear it. We WILL do something worthwhile in this world of hate, something that loves, OR WE WILL DIE TRYING! But love never dies, true love. Not the love that only loves you if you have something to offer in return. TRUE LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!!