things with my deppresion and life in general have felt overall better recently, but it is a daily fight, its like the celldweller song-birthright “holding on until my hands and mind start bleeding” it feels like they are bleeding, beeding pain. im getting tired anmd i can tell, everytime im having a bad day i have to fight every waking moment and its making me tired, what if i slip back and end up so deep or deeper as i was before? honestly im scared, all these what ifs are running throught my mind, im getting tired of the fight. “hes on his way to nowhere, because he heard it was safe there, and safe is something valuable here” thats how it feels, i want to feel safe, but find that safety in myself AND someone else, to feel like somone understands my saddness. i dont even know what im wanting from posting this, i just want to say im scared, to admit it. im scared.
Thanks for posting.. i feel much the same way.
Sorry to hear you are scared.
I wish I could say that I can relate to that one. But I do not think i have been scared of my f___ed up mind or my saftey or any of that stuff for years.
Still – i AM sorry you feel that way. If any of us can help. PLEAZE let us know.
I know you dont know me as I am new here, I know how it feels to be scared and tired. Lately I have been sleeping nearly 18 hours a day and I feel exhausted. I even sleep more than my cat! I suffer from serious clinical depression and I take NO medication for it. My mind wont shut off EVER, I suffer from mild OCD which makes it worse on me because I sleep constantly and in my brief fleeting few hours awake I cant stop cleaning shit. I also understand scared because my day is coming soon and i have nearly completed necessary preparations, I find myself counting the days now. If I can help you in ANY way please let me know.
thanks, i have severe clincical deppresion to but im one of the cowards who take medication, not saying everyone who takes medication is a coward,just me really. when is your day ?
hang in there moto.
whatever your day is…. can you do me one favor (not that you owe me). but humor me. please do me ONE favor. Add 7 days to it.
I wont talk you out of anything. if your pain is great – then it is. BUT add 7 days. and if you STILL cant find sunshine on your soul….. then at least I did all that i could.