Dear Jackie, I remember a lot of years you had a lot of issues. I saw the cuts on your wrist.. and when we asked you, you told us they were the cat. I guess I believed you at first but then it came clear. your step father raped you.. you had deliberatley hurt yourself.. I was wrong to say all of the things I said to you in front of people.. I didnt know how hard it was to deal with those things. I truly am sorry.. I now know what its like to feel these feelings.. I know what its like to be asked ‘whats that scar from?’ I know what its like to have to deal with such emotions every day.. and for me saying such horrible things to you. I just wish I had the chance to say I’m sorry. I know you won’t forgive me.. but honestly.. I am so fucking sorry. I regret it every day. I called you Emo and just.. urh. Im sorry…
1 comment
I understand how that feels. I used to say a friend that he was stupid for doing that to himself, and i finished worse. It’s a horrible feeling…