I could understand that my friend had loyalty to her mother, but not once did she ever really seem to regard my feelings. This added to the stress I had with her. Another time that created a rift in our relationship was when I went to the local fair with her, my friends mother, and her father. Originally we were supposed to go together at a certain time, but I would call her house and she wouldn’t tell me if she was coming with me or not, so I decided to go with another friend.
We were having a good time the first half of the night in, when I got a call from my friend. She was angry with me that I had not called her, and was at the park waiting for me. I was puzzled, she had not told me she would definatly come and I was with another friend too. I told her where I was at and she told me that she was coming to get me so we could go together. I’d like to say that I told her no, and that my other friend and I had a great rest of the night..nope! I went with my friend (and her parents….) to go walk around.
At the time, I was 15 and she was just about to turn 15 also.I had to ask her why she needed to have her parents come with her. My friend looked at me as if to say it was a forbidden topic, and that this sort of thing never was to be disscussed. I said “You’re almost 15…what about next year? Will you be let out of sight then?” My friend quietly shook her head. This made my evening with she and her family rather more uncomfortable.