Okay so here the turth im not a virgin even though everyone in my family thinks i am so i was 13 when i was put on birth control because my grandma thought i should be incase and she thought i was a virgin but i was then about a month later i was at school and started cramping really bad so i go to the nurses off then she call my grandma and tells her she thinks im having a miscarrge my grandma cursed her out the turth is it was true i didnt know i was preg and i was young and stuipd im 15 now looking back i regret not telling my grandma i may have been able to save the baby so that another reson i still cut i feel so bad sometimes i just wanna die because i feel so bad about not telling and saving the baby the reson i know it was a miscarrage is because i started bleeding and flesh like stuff was coming out and now i just wanna die thinking back on it if u have experinces like this IM me on yahoo at butterflygirl1256@yahoo.com please i need someone i caan talk to about this
Young women have miscarriages more often than most people realize.
It’s not your fault and there was probably no way to ” save the baby ”
You will be a great mom someday, just take your time.
Good luck
i just wish i could tell them the turth but in my family they talk bad about u if u have sex before 18 they done my sister like that and sent her to my aunt and uncle who are abusive
I Completly Understand what Y are Going through, I Had a Spontaneous Misscarriage Back In March, I found out I was having a Baby and that Night EVERYBODY was putting me down and I’m 18, my Cousin who Has hade Children Since she Was 14!! Told me to either have a Abortion or Addoption, her husband yelled at me and Told me to talk to his “Lady friend” about adoption. then he told my boyfriend he don’t need to be their for me that he could just Screw around. The next Day Due to Stress I Lost my Baby I was 8Weeks pregnant, I Would have been 6 months right now…… It’s hard and Sad and Very Upsetting knowing u could have had life. For me I try to live and get better every day but I still cry. If u Are living in Guilt for not telling your grandma, u Should pull her aside and tell her. She will be supportive because When I told my grandma, She was sad I lost it and Very supportive because Loosing a Life is a Hard thing to Go through, Stay strong <3
my grandma is the type that will put u down she done my sister that way wheen she found out she wasnt a virgin aany more now she lives with my aunt and uncle who are abusive so i have to hold it out till im 18