That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done! I just got myself locked up as a prisoner for 3 fucking days… put on a med… it was fucking retarded. My therapist and psycho dr came in each day for like 5 fucking minutes… after 24 hours I signed myself out and they still wouldn’t let me leave. It all was a fucking joke and a fucking lie. So I just started lieing to them and told them I was not suicidal and to leave me the hell alone. I called my doctor a dick b.c. he was being so short with me and being sarcastic. I’m not even sure if ill take the fucking meds… I think id be better off 6 feet under anyways. They even said you won’t get the care your looking for here… its just to keep you safe and its after you leave here you will get the care you need… I was like what the hell am I even doing here. When I left they still didn’t know why I was even there or why I was suicidal to begin with. But the good thing I I wasn’t the only one to do the same thing, there was a 53 yr old woman that did the same thing out of desperatin. I have a appt with my therapist and doctor (not the ones from the hospital) tomorrow so I guess ill see how that goes. I really wanna be happy but I’m tired of fighting for it. The first place I went when I left the hospital was a pawn shop to look at guns… I ended up finding one but gotta wait till tues to get it when I get paid. I’m so sick of all this shit!!!
i know how you feel, doctors are worthless and meds really do suck. but I’ve found other outlets and i promise you i would never try to “analyze” you. email me some time. its a dumb name i know.
I’m in the same situation as you were… Been locked up cause my fam bust me for a suicide plan and the docs in here know what I’m about and there’s nothing that they can do… These places suck balls!