“You are never a loser until you quit trying.”
“Keep trying, even when you want to give up for miracles are real”
“Never the let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present”
“Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.”
“One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else.”
“Nobody can take away your pain, so don’t let anyone take away your happiness.”
“Stop trying to escape your reality, change it. Your past doesn’t define your future.”
“The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us but those who win battles we know nothing about. ”
I liked the last one, thanks <3
I wish I could put this is to practice…
love all of them..if i can contain the knowledge of it and use it towards my life i just might get somewhere..
@fakingit we all could get somewhere if we try hard enough <3
@zacurious The last one was my favorite too. And there’s no need to thank me, I promised to be there for you didn’t I ? (:
@pepperpep4 If you’re truly determined to do so, nothing’s impossible …
@Bluehappiness Yes, yes you did 🙂
@zacurious hahaha ! 😛 <3
@BlueHappiness: i see everyone on here getting somewhere if they tried but for me…ive tried i get pulled back everytime
Fakingit I’m not sure we are really getting anywhere other than maybe not feeling so alone. What can I do to help you? Anything you want to talk about? How’s everything else? BFF and bf?
@fakingit Seems like everybody on here thinks just the same. They think it’s over for them but they see hope in everybody else. Which brings me back to what I was about to say. Just about everybody on here sees that you can survive this. and you CAN. Getting pulled back every time is no reason to quit. If anything its a reason to continue trying. I hope you don’t take what I’m trying to say lightly, because I do mean every word of it. You are strong … you only have to believe that you are …
@zacurious: talk i guess, um bff? i have like 3. 2 i havent talked to today one got in an arguement with me cuz she hates my bf. as for my bf, he is back (for the thousandth time) he is sayin more and we talked a bit today but ha how long will that last i just wanna give up but i know if i leave him il lose half of me.
@BlueHappiness: i get it im told everyday by people on here that im strong enough to survive but the way im treated by my family..yeah may take a while for me to believe all of u.
@bluehappiness I used to think nothing was impossible… Things would knock me down and I’d get back up but I can’t seem to get up this time… I feel dead already like I’m just walking vessel doing the bare basics for survival. I know looking in the past never gets you anywhere but I keep looking back thinking wish I’d that or that differently and I might be ok today. I look into the future and I see nothing… Just black emptiness
@fakingit well I meant the one you were on the phone with the other day. Yea I know. I don’t have any anymore. I gave them all up. And they don’t care. As for your bf, you know what I think. I want him to treat you better. I wish you would just Feel like you wouldn’t lose half of you. You would be ok if you did leave him. There are other guys… I know it doesn’t seem like it. Sorry…I just think you should be treated better.
@fakingit My family treats me terribly too. You hopefully have 2-3 years left and you’re out of there. Whereas I have 4. And i don’t care if it will take a while for you to believe me. I’ll convince you ! (:
@pepperpep4 Well I don’t know how to change your point of view on life. But if I were you, I’d live a whole new life. Do whatever feels right. Find something you like. Might be challenging but it’s worth it. Make new friends. Move to a new city. Get a gym membership? Exercise always helps me feel better. It’s like my mind forgets that I’m feeling bad and just focuses on exercising. And for a while afterwards I feel free. I don’t feel as locked up anymore because my body’s too tired to care about anything. It feels really good. Try it
@zacurious: oh that one? awesome. no problems. yeah everyone hates my bf i know i wish i can break up w/ him with no regret but thats all id be left with
@BlueHappiness: yeah try to convince me and u will give up like mostXD realizing im hopeless
I love the 5th one 🙂
@fakingit LOL nah .. Its one of the only things I greatly cherish about me; I never give up <3
@kalisue I’m glad you did <3
@BlueHappiness: thats good<3 i give up on me..but not on others
Print it and tape it to your bathroom mirror and read every day
“do or do not – there is no try” ~ Master Yoda
do do dawg
@Dawg – hmm .. That really sounds like a sweet plan. Thanx lol !
that’s an old “dear abby/ann landers’ trick … gawd I’m old – i bet no one here even knows who/what they were
gummer dawg
@Dawg Hahahah u bet I don’t! And since u brought it up, how old are you ? O.o
Dear abby and ann landers wrote advice columns back in the olden days when people actually wrote real letters and sent them through the snail mail with stamps and everything – they would ask for advice about everything and anything and ann or abby would respond with advice – sometimes sad sometimes happy, many times funny, most always wise – always entertaining – my 6th grade homeroom teach used to read the column each week when it came out
age? over 40, under 55 😉
antique dawg
Hahahaha. Well that does sound interesting. And i still do write real letters and send them through the snail mail with stamps and everything. haha. I guess it shows more appreciation than just a plain old text message. And my age is over 13, under 15 😉
i love all of them “nobody can take away your pain so dont let anyone take away your happiness” that was my faviourite ^-^ thank you this made me happy x
@butterfly95 all i wanted was to make u guys happy ^_^
@Bluehappiness – How are you today?
I have one simple quote engraved on a metal bookmark that is on my computer. It’s been there forever and I don’t even know why it’s there…Winston Churchill “Never, Never, Never, Quit” Hmmm seems easy enough right?
@Zacurious I’m better thanx for asking, and you?
Hmm .. Nice quote. I just have one reply —> Why not ?
@bluehappiness – Well I’m just having one of thoes days…not any different than the other ones. It’s Monday so things are always worse on Monday. I have a lot going on and my head is just not in the game. Good that you are doing better though. Oh…hmmm, why not? I have no clue.