So lastnight, i had a dream i hung myself, mabe its becuase ive made attemps already, and soon another, anyway.. i know thats how i will die, its just a matter of time, im thinking now what day i will try again.
So lastnight, i had a dream i hung myself, mabe its becuase ive made attemps already, and soon another, anyway.. i know thats how i will die, its just a matter of time, im thinking now what day i will try again.
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No, no, no. A dear friend hung himself at age 18 a couple years ago and you have no idea how many peoples worlds came crashing down that day. It destroyed so many people, broke so many hearts, and left so many unanswered questions. You need to get help if this is how you are feeling. You don’t deserve to be spending all your time thinking about when you are going to try to kill yourself again. And just a small FYI – hanging yourself is EXTREMELY painful.
I had a dream I commited suicide recently. Was almost gutted when I woke up