My face.
My body.
My voice.
My personality.
My scars.
My depression.
My parents.
My sisters.
The fact that I’m alive.
I don’t want to be breathing anymore.
I don’t want to exist.
I hate everything about me.
My face.
My body.
My voice.
My personality.
My scars.
My depression.
My parents.
My sisters.
The fact that I’m alive.
I don’t want to be breathing anymore.
I don’t want to exist.
I hate everything about me.
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wow, we must be twins. everything u wrote i can say bout me. its sad.
I’m sorry that your life sucks like mine but it is a little comforting knowing there is somebody else out there like me
@kallie_jayde: yeah, im lways lookin for someone who knows what i go through
How many sisters do you have? Are yours evil fucking self obsessed bratty ass bitches?
i have 1 younger sister. and yes she is all that LOL i call her satans ***** daughter
I have 3!!!!!!!!! FML!!!! Kamryn is older she is 16 then there’s me Kallie I’m 15 Kaysee is 12 and Kennedy is 8!!! The only one I can stand to be around is Kennedy and that’s because she’s still a baby. Kamryn and I fight every fucking day and not just argue I mean like fight. We put a hole in our bedroom wall the other night because I had heard her smartass comments one too many times. She thinks she is so much better than me and lets me know it. She tells me I’m a pyscho and need to be in a mental hospital for the rest of my life. Kaysee is spoiled ass rotten like really she gets everything she even ever thinks she wants. Her ass is 12 and had an iphone and pitched a ***** to get the iphone4 when it came out even though she had only had her phone for 6 months and my dumbass dead beat father sent it to her. I should add that he refused to help me pay for my dance fees and I have been dancing since I was 3. He said he didn’t have the money for it but had money for Kay a phone she didn’t need. He went to Colorodo for Christmas last year with his new whore wife and didn’t invite me Kami or Kennedy but took Kaysee. It’s ridiculous.
Dear Kallie,
sometimes I come to a post I wish to leave a comment on but sometimes I don’t know what to say and saying I understand sounds stupid. After your last post I hoped you would turn around again. I read this before I left NY, and I thought what right do I have to tell you anything when I’m thinking of dying and planing it. I remember reading this and agreeing to all but the personality thing. I didn’t know you but I felt something when i read this and now feel guilty I didn’t say anything, but not sure if it matters.
I wish your spirit the peace it didn’t find in life.
Rest in peace sweet girl
So sad to lose you Kallie. Thoughts go to your family. Zoe X
How do you know she’s gone.
Several of us had been talking to Kallie via e-mail. Her sister got on her email on her phone and informed of us she had killed herself