Is not getting any better, I’m not getting any better,I’m  having an anxiety attack, I feel pain on my chest, arms and legs, my hearth is pounding so fast and I just feel I cannot do this anymore 🙁 I’m living my worst nightmare, I want to get better I just don
Deep breath….lay down and try to calm down first. Talk, what’s going on?
cheeseburger with bacon.?
Anything that includes bacon is a WIN!
pork dawg
A dark room with a damp, cool rag on my forehead sometimes helps me. Or if I am at work I simply go to the bathroom and stay there with my eyes closed for as long as it takes.
Uff!! I’m so “new” dealing with all this, like I know how to deal with pressure and problems, but I don’t know how to deal with this mental break down, In my mind I go like: I need to go out I need to do something but it feels like my body won’t respond! I’ve been crying like a lot, but today no crying… what that means? no crying but more physical pain… sucks!!
are you from Canada? LOL, this is too bad, nothing helps not even bacon 🙁
I had panic attacks before. Severe. I was in complete death terror. My cure was to just accept it, in sort of a dramatic emo fashion, lol.. “So now I die. I don`t care.” Panic attacks are your own fear, and mine just got ok after I stopped fearing the concequences.
Sowhat…I deal with serious panic/anxiety attacks that lasts for hours and sometimes days. The chest pain alone after that is very hard to deal with and try to function like normal. Mentally though, I’m not sure…because it is usually the mental issues that help cause the anxiety attacks. I think you need to take it easy and switch your focus on to something else. No crying…hmmm maybe because you are so worried about how you’re feeling and your body not responding. Just give it time okay?
thank you so much zacarious, you are always so kind and caring, I tried to stay away from this forum, but in the past week i feel like this is the only way i can communicate,
Yep…anytime 🙂 And if you need to communicate on here…so be it. I’ll/we’ll be here if you need anything.