I have often been the kind of person to sit and slag other people off for wanting to commit suicide until one day i realised what it means to no longer want to live. I want to go away and die and look over my family now that my world has done me over. I once had it all and now i have nothing anymore so i’m ready to say goodbye all i want is for it to be painless like most of the other posters on this site. Please help me find a pain free way of leaving this world. I have contacted Dignitas and they have been great but can’t administer the lethal prescription due to having nobody willing to sign it off for legal reasons and problems that dignitas are currently suffering. Some people call it murder i call it setting people free from the world they are no longer fit to participate in. I had motivation and drive once and it’s all gone away due to being knocked down to many times. I dont have family problems i love my mum and i love my step father very much. My pain run’s so deep that when i wake up in the morning i’m bitterly disapointed. I only feel free from life when i’m sleeping. I would feel free if i was to be dead and with my grandfather up there in heaven. I have seen doctors and spoke to people to try and resolve my emotional heart ache but this has all failed. I have accepted that i must pass and that i want to pass. Some of the methods people have suggested have made me sound optimistic about dealing with my own death but they all have down points that might make it a failed attempt. I need a method that will not fail and not leave me in a state of life that means i can’t try again.
What were dignitas’s reasons for not helping you. I thought they did things like this…. For a hefty price
They are having problems finding doctors to co-operate just now i more or less need to be majorly disabled theya re aiming to help anyone who applies but currently Dignitas are not doing any work for anyone and replied saying they are suffering from problems mostly the political ones
Why are you suicidal.?
I contacted Dignitas too, quite recently, Wrecked. My understanding is that, for legal reasons, they cannot help anyone suffering from mental illness or depression. You basically have to have some kind of life-threatening illness or seriously disabling physical condition that is beyond any hope of a cure.
And even that service may be under threat (you are right, it is most definitely at a price). Due to political and legal difficulties, as you say. The law is restrictive, even in Switzerland, and Digniras can’t risk being seen to do anything too controversial.
Louise50 thats correct they do wish to help everyone in the future but are suffering thanks to people standing in the way. It’s ok for them to stand in the way and judge they arent the ones suffering they dont have to go through what people such as myself have to go through. The chemical Cyanide is hard to come across also which makes destroying my life even harder. I do not want to hurt and struggle i have seen people say someone that wants to die has no fear. That is not a fair statement i bet they would not like to feel pain either the difference is some wish to pass and some wish ti live.