I have always been very attached to friends and a few years ago I fell for my best friend, we are always together, study together and will probably work together once we graduate. However he is now in love and will probably marry a childhood friend of mine. I have tried so hard to forget him, but its hard since we are always together, ive told him how i feel but i think he just enjoys having me around, he says im like family. He tells me things about her that make me ache inside and I know it sounds cliched but I dont think I can ever forget him or move on from this, I could never be with another guy while in love with him. And my friend, who I never told I like him really loves him too. I have never been in a steady relationship nor has anyone ever loved me. I think suicide is my best option, I really have no other choice. I cant bear to see them together everyday and have to act happy. Im 22, I know what I am doing.
I can relate, ive lost everything ive had and fuck love cuz it just hurts, i finally move on from a 4 year relationship only to fuck up the new love ive found.. i really am just waisting air still living.
Hurts is an understatement, I tried to overdose last night, but I decided it was a terrible way for my parents to find me, so im looking into ways to make it look like an accident..