… don’t ever give yourself up. Fall in love, live the moment, but do never ever give yourself up for anyone. Don’t give your dreams up for anyone. And don’t live for anyone else. Live for yourself. Friendship or romantic love… “When love hurts it won’t work”.
Love is the only thing that can save us. And the love is all about giving all for that person. So you want happy moments, you have to give yourself up to your love. It’s either that with a chance you get really hurt or you can just die alone.
Yes shred, you are right. In my opinion, love is the only thing that’s worth living for. Yes, love with a open heart risking to get hurt, love with all you have got, but don’t give yourself up for the one you love. Don’t give up your friends, your dreams, your beliefs for the person. Cause chances are, you’ll most likely become uninteresting. And don’t accept being abused. In any way, emotionally or phisically.
Oh i see what you meant. I understood you differently.
and when u give urself to someone? i will never share my intimicy ever again.
@ Fallen87 Fuck your partner’s brains out for all that matters. I meant something else.
I’d trade love for money AND good sex in a heartbeat .. freedom has always been my biggest drive