if we were all born with sin,and none of us are good enough to get to heaven,then we are pretty much fucked over,i think of every possible reason,what the point of life would be,but i cant think of any,i try so hard to be strong,but the humane in me cant fucking take it anymore,if i dont have nobody,then why do i stay here,if i wanted to jump a train right now,i could,why cant i just get up and leave,theres nothing here,fuck it,
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1 comment
The following links are just “food for thought”They probably won’t solve anything, but they might clear up some of the things that the politicians, priests and parents, fail to mention.http://suicideproject.org/2012/08/revelation-3/http://suicideproject.org/2012/09/by-clicking-on-this-entry-i-certify-that-i-am-18-years-of-age/