What’s Destiny? To me, it’s the thing that gets formed by every choice we ever make, and everybody’s destiny is intertwined and if one person messes up their own life, it’ll affect everybody else. Maybe like the butterfly/hurricane theory? Dunno.. Just wanna hear someone’s opinion.
I think destiny is lifes way of saying ” Good Luck”
I think destiny is never preset but conditioned as you mentioned by the choices we map and also determined by our genetics, circumstances you are born under, discipline and consistency and the experiences you accumulate and with that the thinking patters you develop. I don’t believe in things like: “It’s meant to be”, “It’s a sign” and I have stopped also believing in karma.
@Black Swan, Please check the comment on “How Much Should…..”
@I did Syd :).
I see no destiny, but I see a destination. The destination is determined by choices and detours along the way to wherever it is we’re going. We’ll find out when we get there. It’s a surprise.
🙂 I like that. It’s a surprise. Cool.
If every course were charted beforehand, it’d be one boring trip– not an adventure! The fun is in the not-knowing. We’re all shapers of fate – but everyone has their own fate. It’s bound to be interesting seeing how it all develops.
That’s a very romantic view on life. I had it once. I went for the big price. I wanted to be a Hollywood actress and figured I had just one life to live and nothing to lose. It was fun for a a few years to see how the “adventure” evolved while there was still hope of landing in a good place. But when you end up in an unwanted scenario and the “surprise” blows up in your face… I crave stably, certainty and peace. Not an endless roller coaster I can’t get off of. It gets and then is when you start going back and realizing all of the wrong turn you made. The “adventure” is no fun at that stage. I wish I hadn’t been so reckless.I wish I had planned and not just gone with what felt good at the time.
There is no such animal as homeostasis in the natural world. There also is no right or wrong, just different paths – you learn from where you’ve been. Now, I’m not meaning to bludgeon upon the idea of planning and risk mitigation — no, no… that’s important, but it’s all part of the adventure. Don’t jump into the bog when there are gators about. Just common sense. Of course, you have to gather a lot of sense to come to understand what’s common and what’s not. Learning takes a lifetime.
I am not talking about “right” or “wrong” in a moral sense at all. But each one of us knows what feels right or wrong to them. The life I wounded up with after the “adventure” doesn’t feel right to me. Now you may not like stability, it feels bad or wrong to you but that’s not my case. I would like to have comfortable life with a husband, a family, a home and be able to count on it not going away. I hate this anxiety and loneliness. I’m passed the dating, going out, traveling partying bla, bla, bla. Fuck excitement. I had plenty and I am over it. I don’t know how old you are but please don’t teach me about life cause in life, I’ve done it all!
All I’m saying is homeostasis — stability — is an illusion you choose to embrace, but the reality is typically anything but static. Reality is a kaleidescope of motion and change.
Cheers. You can choose to try to find meaning in something, or you can just say “Oh. That’s cool!” or “well that sucks!” and not get into it too deeply. It’s all just a mix of light waves and sound waves and atoms that just happen to make up our world and stuff.
@Aleaf, I certainly know people that keep a good financial position and a loving partner for life, despite the wind blowing north, east or west.
@Lost and found, your comment is a bit too ethereal for me to understand what you’re trying to say but that’s for responding.
Oh. Yeah, I guess it is a bit ethereal. Yeah, now I don’t even know what I was trying to say. XP huh.
Does this mythical creature exist? I’ve never met such a one.
@Lost and found, Lol, it sounded nice at least :).
@Aleaf, I don’t know if that comment is directed to me, but in case it is, you’ve never met a family in which husband and wife stick together ’till the end no matter and love each other to death?
@Black Swan: That might depend on how you define love. I’ve never met a family that wasn’t completely screwed up in one way or another. Fewer still that remained cohesive in the long-term.
@ Black Swan: I remember that it totally made sense when I wrote it! I just don’t remember how it made sense. *Facepalm* lol