i am feeling suicidal right now and i feel like i might really end it tonight or mabey just wait a few days to say goodbye and see if this what i want.. i was scared at first because i was scared to die i realize now i am not scared anymore that we are all going to die eventually that we do not live forever but i feel like i have finally accepted that its okay to die and i know how i would die so it would make it less scary <3 can anyone help me right now?
How can I help you Sweetie?
i am not scared to die anymore its just i have a part of me that feels like something in my life going to change that it will all be okay but i have been saying that for too long and i feel like if i could just fade away that no one would care that i can just die and not have any drama or stuff that comes with it that if i die things would be okay and everyone would just forget that i even existed
You know, the longer you live, the closer you’ll be to seeing that you’re right. Your life could change drastically. People will care if you go, they really will. So please don’t.
your right i know my life can get better and that things can change it just seems so far away and i have been telling myself that for too long that i have dealt with the crap in my life for too long
It’s probably really hard right now for you, but all the crap you’re going through at this moment can shape you into a stronger, better person if you let it. Have some faith that things will get better. ^ ^
your right <3 i have always dealt with the hard stuff in life and came out on top i just feel lie i can't anymore
Hey what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 🙂
that made me smile <3 thanks sonic 🙂
good ! a smile is all you need sometimes 🙂
look inside yourself and find the child who smiles, just like you did:
that child is a treasure within you.