If you feel like suicide because of how life is, I understand. This world is full of liars and corruption, people telling you that your problems are self created, and that you are somehow too lazy or unwilling to fix them. This is untrue. Since you were born, the NEW WORLD ORDER has sought to indoctrinate you, through TV, school, and even the radio. Everything works opposite to what it should. The wars of the world all happen by design, to allow the filthy rich and powerful to profit. 9-11, JFK murder, and the London bombings were inside jobs. If anything, fight the NEW WORLD ORDER! They are the cause of much of this misfortune! Check out the documentaries on youtube or google video: WAKE UP CALL, SEPTEMBER CLUES, ENDGAME, THE CORPORATION to name a few.
Clowns. You are one of them. Readers beware.
You know what… I’m skeptical that when the punters are being maced, and having a police baton shoved up their clacker’s on the front lines of “Le Revolutione”, will the dude in the mask be holed up in a nice room at the Hilton, enjoying a tall cool one ?
On a good day i probably could of hyped myself up enough to run screaming war cries behind William Wallace, but i don’t get this New World Order revolt working, but good luck….
beware of what ?
Insane crackpot theories from people who claim to question everything and immediately accept some documentary writer’s half baked presentation.
A revolution of a worldwide scale that these Clowns keep clamoring about would only lead to ruin for the general public. I’d say the Circus would be a pretty safe bet should that happen.
Seriously though. Fact checking. Try it sometime.
” Fact checking. Try it sometime”
as long as you’re addressing the OP
and some of the “conspiracy theories” are anything but theories
If the “Theory” is that a whole pile of narsasistic pricks are going to get together behind closed doors and work out how they can manipulate the system and control us via corporate giant companies that have us by the balls and they get to live a life of luxury at our expense, it ain’t a theory, it stated in the 1980’s, it’s done and dusted long ago….
H.Q. Wall Street….
I think you should get in contact with Nolentwohundred. You both appear to be on the same page.
You are very right about all you said. Why do you think they want to censor our Internet and already monitor all we talk/text/look at… There is great deal to be gained from a world wide scale crisis for those who have the means to provide (aka the countries with resources). The truth is that money runs the world and the 1% decide our lives for us.
black helicopters are over your head too. Now put moms metal colander back on your head and go hide in the basement….
U guys are funny
Look I stuck up for you even though we’ve never spoken on here and you probably don’t like me very much.
I just don’t think it’s cool to judge someones entire character on one comment. It’s far worse to call someone an asshole and shit head.
Your a kind person so I’m going to stick up for you. All the people I like have either left or don’t post here anymore.
I’ve heard about most of these conspiracies, and my one thoughts is this:
If any come true, I will go on a murdering rampage. I’ll team up with the rebellion or whatever, and I’ll just kill fat old guys who try to take over the world. Fuck, I’ll even try to become a ninja.
But that’s if they come true. If they don’t, fuck it. I don’t care.
Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Well put, answerman. I couldn’t agree with you more. I posted an entry titled “Just kiddin’ Abraham”, that I think you will like. You can also find entries of mine at nolenthebeckoning.com and at ****** at “Nolen’s search” room.
I’ve heard about these conspiracies as well, and I don’t buy into a bit of it.