So my plan was to have tons of sex before i die, i have had a lot so far, but hit a bump in the road, i have hpv.. (genital warts) and i always use protection during sex, thisis the first breakout ive had in 2 years.. ive tryed freezing them off, taking multi vitamins, and there healing now, so ive tryed to hang myself 3 times the past month, and oviously failed, but i have a new method, charcol gas grill, in my car, i know i will die soon, i guerentee it, mabe the next week, mabe next month, certintly before 2013, its to funny how last year i bought a gun and the night before i was going to kill myself, somebody breaks in my car and steals it..anyway.. im so done with life its truely time to exit, i just got to clear these warts up so i can feel good again (sex) but i still try every week to hang myself but i cant fight the human instinkt to stay alive, so ive done research on charcol gas grill and when I decide, i will go peacefully in my car, i will fall asleep and die from carbon minoxide poisioning, and im really looking forward to it, its cheap and painless.., anyway i am going to have more fun before i do, cuz wants i do, thetes no coming back… death is final… in the mean time.. im just relaxing and say fuck all the bullshit.. it feels so good to have something to look forward death 😉
it’d be ironic if someone was killed using your stolen gun lol we have the same method 😀 but I’m gonna do it in the bathroom(if it comes to that). How do you have sex? How don’t mean physically Rod A to Slot B. I mean, how do you get people to have sex with you? I too would like to do a lot of porking before I die but I don’t have a solid method
I meant to say that we have the same method, but I’m just gonna dump the bag in the tub and light it. laziness FTW! lol
of charcoal >_<
dude maybe you will enjoy this sex journey so much that you eventually want to stay alive but if not you may look up the charcoal info on as far as i remember there are quite some things to keep in mind with this method.
Yep, get them warts fixed up , God will be right pissed if u turn up at his abode with those suckers…
if your having so much fun why do u want to die, why not just have fun forver?
Watch out, someone might steal the BBQ!
Honestly I had a real hard time with your post. HPV can be contracted by others even with protection. Have you tried to get some psychological help. I’m sensing maybe some borderline personality disorder issues but I’m not an expert I have just been in a lot of programs, psych hospitals , and treatment. I have also read a lot. It just seems to me very not right to mess up someone else’s life because your medicating with sex to savv your own depressive issues. Have you seen that movie “girl Interrupted” with Winona Rider? Check it out