If you were to die out there in the battlefield…I would want you to know how I feel about you before you go…4 years is a long time and it could be longer…You were, are my hope…And kept me moving even when I felt I couldn’t go on anymore. “I may never walk again but I’ll be fine crawling…” “You won’t crawl forever! You will walk again!” Will I be able to walk once your gone?…I keep crying…tears rolling down my check! I don’t want you to leave…But, I have let you go in the past but of course that was only for a week or so…Four years…I have so many questions…so many things to say…So much stuff I still want you there for…I don’t want to miss out on your life ever…Man…I really am going to miss you…I hope you come back safely…I wish the best for you…I hope to see you surpass everyone!…Please don’t forget me, because I won’t forget you…It will be to hard to forget someone who saved me from the darkness so many times…I just want to say, you kept me strong even when I wanted to give in so badly…
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